A New Proxy? {Toby x Uvi x Ben} Part One

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Ben sat on Toby's lap, trying to get his phone back. Ben's green eyes narrowed in concentration, his fingers brushing against his phone.

"Toby! Give me my phone back!" Ben yelled, getting frustrated. Toby grinned, shaking his head no. Ben put his hands together in a pleading manner, his lips forming a cute pout. "Please~!" He begged, making Toby think.

"Only if I get something in return," Toby decided, making sure to keep the phone just out of Ben's reach. Ben placed a small kiss on Toby's cheek, blushing a bit. Toby's grin grew as he happily returned the phone. Ben snuggled up to Toby's chest, going back to playing his game. Toby wrapped his arms around Ben's waist, making sure he couldn't fall.

Slenderman came into the room, holding a piece of paper. "We have just gotten a new proxy, Uvi. Like everyone else you are to treat her with the utter most respect. No harm is to come to her, or you will be facing worse consequences then cleaning the dungeon." With that said, Slenderman put her profile on the coffee table and left.

Ben snatched the paper before any of the other pastas in the room could. Toby looked over Ben's shoulder, staring at the girl in the picture. A beanie sat over her black hair, and a gray turtle neck covering most of her skin. However, what caught his attention was the girls eyes. He couldn't take his eyes from that calming silver colour.

Ben smirked looking back at the taller man, looking over his features. "She seems cool," He mumbled out, tossing the paper back onto the table. The other pastas were quick to fuss over the paper, all wanting to see the new proxy. Toby nodded to Ben, still thinking of those eyes.

Ben got up and headed out of the living room. His sock covered feet making a small scuffing sound against the wooden floor boards. Toby got up quickly, following Ben. Ben made his way to his and Toby's shared room. They had knocked the wall in-between their rooms last year when they had gotten together.

Ben flopped down onto the bed, grinning up at Toby, his arms open wide. Toby closed the door before crawling onto the bed, and pulling Ben close. They stayed there talking, passing the hours in each other's arms.


Uvi arrived at the mansion late in the night, her body covered in warm clothes to protect her from the cold air. She hurried into the mansion, pulling off some of her clothes, keeping on her beanie. Slenderman hurried her off to her room. He kept saying that she needs her sleep, and that he will introduce her to the others in the morning. Uvi did not object to this, her body tired from her long journey.

She made her way upstairs to her room but stopped in front of a door. Inside came small voices of two males. Uvi tried to listen to what the voices were saying, but they were too muffled from the door. Yawning, she decided to continue to her own room. A purple door with her name written in pink letters marking the entrance.

She entered the room, turning on the lights. She flinched at the brightness and closed the door. She took in the room that surrounded her; gray walls decorated with purple clouds, light purple blankets covered the bed, and gray furniture. She took off her shoes and socks, letting her toes curl against the light purple carpet.

Uvi made her way over to her bed where a pile of clothes laid. On top of the small pile laid a note. Uvi picked it up, reading over it while taking a seat on the bed.

Dear child,

I was aware that you most likely wouldn't have any clothes with you, so I asked Jane to leave you some. They might be too big for you, but tomorrow I will have some of the others take you to get some clothes. I hope you sleep well.

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