Hoodie X Reader (Request)

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Sorry it's late guys I have a lot going on so I'm trying to do this as best and fast as I can Sorry if it's back.

H/L = Hair length

H/C = Hair Color

Y/N = Your Name

E/C = Eye Color

S/C = Skin color


~Y/N's P/O/V~

I sat down in the arm chair and watched the people rush by some with drinks in their hands and others sucking of each other's faces. I was about to get up when Hoodie burst threw the door soaked, his hoodie dripping a red substance. "MASKY!" He yelled as his masked brother walked threw the door behind him, a bucket in his hands. 

"What?" Masky asked acting all innocent. Hoodie jumped on Masky, bringing both of them to the floor. Hoodie and Masky started fighting, punching and kicking each other. Masky soon flipped them over and pinned Hoodie to the ground. "I win!" Masky laughed. Hoodie got mad and kneed Masky where the sun don't shine. Masky groaned in pain and fell down.

"I win" Hoodie said standing up. I got up and walked over to Hoodie and Masky. I placed my hand on Hoodie's shoulder. He looked at me, his red 'eyes' peircing my E/C ones. "Hi" he said, his voice softening.

"Hi" I said back, "What happened?" He glared at Masky, but looked back at me.

"This idiot thought it would be funny to dump a bucket of red cool-aid on me when I was reading." I laughed a little. These two were so weird.

"Come on let's go get you cleaned up," I said as I lead him upstairs. I lead Hoodie into his room and told him to sit down on his bed. I walked over to his closet and pulled out one of his hoodies and a pair of his jeans. I turned around and placed his clothes on the bed. "Follow me." I said simply and walked into his bathroom. I turned around and helped him out of his hoodie and shirt. I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly toned torso, a few scares lining his chest.

"Done staring" Her inquired, breaking me out of my train of thought. I chook my head to clear the thoughts out of it and looked up at Hoodie. I laughed a little and pulled of his ski mask to reaveal his perfect face. I quickly looked away and turned on the shower and turned back to Hoodie. I told that I was going to go put the clothes I already had in the washer and told him to get undressed and wash up. I also mentioned I was coming back for the rest of his clothes.

I walked back into the bathroom after running down to the laundry room and putting Hoodie's hoodie, ski mask and shirt in the washer. I started picking up Hoodie's other clothes when the shower turned off. I quickly picked up rest of the clothes and ran out of the bathroom before he opened the curtain. I put all of Hoodie's clothes in the washer and started the load of laundry. Once it was done I quickly switched the clothes to the dryer and waited for them to be dry.

Soon enough it Hoodie's clothes were clean and I took them out of the dryer, neatly folding them and placing them into a pile. I walked up to Hoodie's room and quietly knocked on the door. After a minute and still no answer, I finally decided to enter. I opened the door and walked into his room to see Hoodie sound asleep in bed. I smiled and placed his clothes on his dresser and walked over to him. I kneeled down beside the bed and kissed Hoodie's forehead. Damn was he cute. Hoodie started to wake up and my heart speed up. His eyes opened as he looked at me. I smiled again and he smiled back.

"Wanna come join me?" He asked. I nodded a blush crossing my cheeks. Hoodie sat up in his bed and looked over my outfit. "We're going have to do something about what your wearing though." He said making me confussed. He got up and closed his door and walked back over to me. I just stood there letting him do what he wanted. He slipped off my hoodie and looked over my outfit again. He shook his head.

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