Whisper In The Dark {Liu x Ashley x Sully}

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A/N I have no idea what I'm doing it's 2:30 in the morning *Stressed noises*

Edit: It was 2:30 in the morning when I wrote this, Children.


Ashley sat in her room texting on her cell phone, while Liu was beside her playing on his laptop. Liu closed his laptop, setting it on the desk. "Ash..." Ashley looked up, her indigo eyes shining.

"Wha?" She asked, her voice quiet.

Liu smiled slightly, breathing out the words as he spoke, "I was wondering if we can take the next step in our relationship and..." he trailed off, his words fading into the air, becoming nothing. He opened his mouth to continue when screams of pain and terror sounded from downstairs. Ashley jumped up immediately.

"Ohh! Sounds like Jeff brought home a victim! I can't wait to watch as he tortures them," Mad laughter sounded from her mouth as she ran for the door, only to be stopped when Liu wrapped his arms around her.

"You're not going anywhere my dear!" He chimed, his voice deeper than it was before. Liu, he seemed different. He yanked Ashley back, flinging her onto the bed with ease. He climber on top of her, straddling her sides.

"What? Liu, what the fucking hell?! I want to watch Jeff torture them!! I want to help him!" She wailed, her body flailing around uselessly. Liu smirked, this was not the real Liu. This must be his Sully... But he was separated from Liu a long time ago. That's when she noticed, Liu standing there, hidden in the shadows, in a corner of the room.

"I'm not Liu, but you already figured that out haven't you, Ashley?" Sully smirked wider, and Liu joined them, standing beside the bed. Sully stood up, taking Ashley with him. Sully stood beside the bed, pressing her against him. Liu came up behind her, pressing against her.

"What I was trying to say early was, I wanted to take our relationship further, I wanted to go the full way and not just tease each other." Ashley nods, understanding.

"I... I guess I have two of you to please?" Ashley said, her lips twitching into a slight smirk as she pressed her butt against Liu's crotch, and pulled Sully closer so her leg was pressed against his crotch. "I think this will be fun."

The End

Ashley squatted down between the two boys, her hands unzipping and unbuttoning there jeans. She pulled down there jeans and boxers. She looked between the boys, playing a silent game in her mind. She started rubbing Liu's member, as she started to lick the tip of Sully's. She soon started to suck on Sully as she pumped Liu faster. They both bite their bottom lips, trying to keep their sounds down.

Sully looked at Liu, his cheeks red, as he leaned over and kissed him. They continued to kiss each other, only parting when the cried out in pleasure, coming. Ashley smiled, standing up. She was surprised when both Liu and Sully threw her onto the bed, joining her seconds later.

They propped her up on her knees, Sully behind her and Liu in front, her pants and underwear off. Sully started fingering her cilt, while Liu licked her. They switched every once in a while, each tasting her. She moaned loudly, holding nothing back. She came a minute later, Liu having her liquids dripping from the corner of his mouth, and Sully licking it up his tongue brushing gently against his skin.

Sully slipped his fingers into Ashley's mouth, her tasting herself and sucking on them. Sully pulled them out, entering her ass while Liu entered her cilt. Ashley's bottom lip quivered as she bit back a cry of pain. They waited a moment before thrusting in and out. At first their thrust weren't together, but after a couple thrusts they were in unison. Ashley moaned, pleasure filling her body.

Their sounds filled the room, making the  once quiet and dull room, noisy and sexy. They all came together, all going to take a shower in Ashley's private bathroom, having some more fun.

The End

I will find you, and fuck you again. ~Sully

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