Take My Hand and Join Me in This Life {Toby x Killer Wolf}

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The evening was finally over, and they were finally alone. KW was in a fit of giggles, and couldn't keep herself away from him.

"I love you," She muttered over and over again, her lips pressing against his for the briefest of moments. He feel upon the bed, her straddling his lap.

"You're so happy," He muttered, his amber eyes shinning in the moonlight. KW nodded, taking his hands into hers. She kissed his knuckles, her lips soft against the scabbed skin.

"Toby, I love you so much," Tears slipped out of her eyes when she finally looked up at him again. Toby smiled softly, pulling his hands away from hers.

"I love you so much, to the end of the universe and back..." He said slowly, his fingers wrapping around her hips. He pressed lips against hers, eyes closed softly. A small squeak left her mouth as she left herself be swept away by him.

His fingers worked away at the lacing of the dress, slowly peeling it from her skin. KW grasped onto him, her mind blank, but she slowly began to work away at removing his tux.

Their bare bodies pressed together, moving against each other. This was the night they were truly bounded forever.

Her sounds were so sweet to him, and her skin was so soft. His eyes were filled with stars whenever he looked at her, and she loved it, she loved him.


I couldn't think of anything dirty to write, so here you go. You're now married.

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