"Fuck You!" "Okay, Fuck Me, Mr. Strider." {Dave Strider x Reader }

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You were currently being your normal dorky self, dancing on the roof of your personal, eighteen story, Houston Texas, apartment building, when you slipped on a God damn banana peal. So fucking smooth (Insert Full Fucking Name *includes middle*)! You practically screamed at yourself, mentally of course, as you dangled from the edge of the roof. And that is how you ended up meeting none other than "cool kid" Dave Elizabeth Strider, and his brother Dirk Strider.

You didn't bother screaming, you knew it was no use. You just dangled off the ledge of the 18th story, mentally sighing to yourself. You barely had enough upper body strength to keep you there, there was no flick frackin' point even attempting to pull yourself up. You waited a couple minutes, hands hurting from hanging onto the ledge.

You see a boy with blonde hair, and shades come over to the edge of the roof. "Oh, it looks like you have fallen for me," he smirked, squatting down.

"I would rather die," You growled at him, making him chuckle. He grabbed onto you wrist, helping you back over the ledge of the roof. You sighed, "thank you, I guess." You went to go past him when you smacked right into a man, stumbling backwards, and almost falling off the roof again. Once again you were saved by the 'oh so smooth' cool kid.

Once standing up straight you looked the man over, deeming that he was either the 'cool kid's' brother or some other God forsaken family member. You sighed, and pushed past them both, taking a seat far away from the edge. "What are you doing here? This place is private property." You closed your eyes, and leaned back in your seat.

"Oh, we just thought I pretty girl like yourself shouldn't ruin your face by hittin' the hard pavement." The elder blonde stated, triangular shades covering his eyes. You opened one of your eyes, glancing over at them.

"Is having stupid shades, and acting oh so ironic part of your family or some shit?" They looked between each other before looking back at you, and shrugging. You growled, standing up. "Thank you for helping me, if you would like you can come to my-" You stopped mid sentence staring at a puppet that sat in front of the stairway. You picked up the puppet carefully, your face like a child's when presented with a new toy that they always wanted.

You held the puppet close to you, turning around coming close to smack into the elder shadey. "Lil' Cal." He smirked, "He's Lil' Cal, and I'm Dirk. That dweeb," he motioned back to the younger shadey, "is Dave." Your smile widened as you held onto Lil' Cal a little tighter.

"Lil' Cal..." You mumbled, you went to Dirk, hugging him with one arm while hugging Lil' Cal with the other. You rested your head on Dirk's shoulder, smiling brightly as he carried you. You played with Lil' Cal before falling asleep quietly.


You awoke to a strange room, Lil' Cal sitting in front of you. You picked up Lil' Cal, holding him close to your awkwardly flat chest. You exited the room, wandering through the halls, until you reached a room, small noises emitting from inside. You opened the door, walking in slowly, only to see no one. You sighed, when you spotted Dave on a bed, looking at you. No shades. His red eyes wide. You dropped Lil' Cal, your own eyes wide as you ran out of the room. You ran to the kitchen, seeing Dirk in there. You slipped and fell to the floor, scurrying to get away from Dirk. Dirk looked at you raising an eyebrow.

"What's the matter?" He asked, his eyes still covering his eyes.

"S-Salt..." You stuttered out, "D-Demon." Dirk looked up from you, and you turned around to see Dave, shades still off.

"D-Dean! S-Sammy!" You cried out, your whole body shaking. Dirk picked you up, holding you close to him. You flailed a bit, your body still weak from sleep, and hanging onto that ledge. You soon stopped flailing around like a big baby, snuggling into Dirk' chest. Dirk carried you into the room you found Dave in, placing you on the bed. You held onto him, but he was soon replaced with Lil' Cal.

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