Sixty five

816 61 17

Carter was still recovering from the accident that happened three weeks ago. For the most part her wounds healed but she still had a bit of pain every now and then. Her face marks was going down but her neck lately, she had trouble with. Lately she's been unable to breathe properly. She knew being shot in the neck was going to have its effects but it's been feeling like every time she breathing it felt like she actually wasn't.

The shit was irritating a bit but at least she was alive.

"Come on, get up now, Carter." Kirah said  as soon as Carter answered her facetime call.

"I'm up, I'm up." She said, her eyes still was closed.

"No, get up Carter. I'm about to be on the way." She told her

She let out a sigh and opened her eyes, placing the phone back on the nightstand. Looking down she kept her hand wrapped around Kori was still asleep on her chest.

"Okay, I'm up, see?" She saw that she'd turned the light that in the nightstand,

"I'm serious Carter. You promised me that you'll help me cook. And you'll be up and ready by the time I leave the store." She says

It was the day of the boys graduation/going away to college party and with them cooking a lot at home, Kirah knew she needed to go get some groceries for the party.

Of course Carter refused to let her leave the penthouse but after a few minutes of convincing, she let her go with one the bodyguards, Will.

And while she left she went ahead and go some more rest in with the babies. Not only because she was tired but also because she wanted to have energy to cook and hang out the boys before they headed off to college tomorrow.

Isaiah was headed to UCLA while Miles was headed to University of Houston.

"Kirah, I'm up mama." She said groggy

"Alright, I'm coming now. I don't wanna have to drag you by your ear." She warned and she sucked her teeth.

"Let me get off of this phone before I-"

"I'm never gon' get ready with you distracting me." She said joking but still reminding her of how short her attention span can be at times

"Okay I'll see you in a bit." Kirah hung up

She slowly got out of the bed and laid Kori in the bassinet crib with Cairo without waking neither of them up before she went in to the closet to find something to wear.

She was about to throw on something comfortable and basic like a t shirt and some basketball shorts. Which she decided to wear until she was done cooking.?

But with some of the boys friends coming over, she decided with a nice shirt and some jeans with a pair of vans to put on afterwards.

After scoping out what she was going to wear, she went to take a quick shower with the bathroom door opened so that she could hear when Cairo cried like he did every time he woke up from a good sleep.

Fifteen minutes went by and she was done showering while the kids still were asleep.

Grabbing the baby monitor, she walked out of the room and down the stairs towards the kitchen.

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