Season 1: Part 1

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At the School

I reach the school. I was talking to my friends when I spot Elena and Bonnie. I sped towards Elena and Bonnie and hug Elena tightly and say Elena oh my god. How are you? Oh its so good to see you. I turn to Bonnie and ask how is she? Is she good?

Elena says Caroline I am right here. And I am fine. Thank you.

I say really?

Elena says yes much better.

I hug Elena tightly and say oh you poor thing.

Elena says okay Caroline.

I break the hug and says Okay see you guys later.

Elena says Okay bye.

I hear Elena and Bonnie making fun of me. I felt really hurt. I didnt realise what I did wrong. They never appreciate my efforts and always make fun of me. I felt bad about it but I have no one that I can talk to.

Suddenly my eyes falls on the new guy walking down the hallway. I became so engrossed in him that I decided to find out about him and make him my boyfriend.

The new guy and I had maths together. I saw that he was sitting on my bench and everyone was waiting for me to create a scene as no one means no one sits on my bench. I let him sit with me and I talked to him. I found lot's of stuff about him. I even invited him to the grill so that we can spend some time together and he can meet my friends. He said he will think about it. I say I will be waiting for you.

At the grill

I was telling Bonnie about what I found out about the new guy whose name is Stefan Salvatore. Bonnie says shocked that you got all that in one day?

I say I got all that between 3rd and 4th period. We are planning a June wedding.

I could see that Bonnie was not at all interested in what I was saying and she probably thought that I am crazy.

It hurts to think that my friend think of me like that.

I saw Stefan walk in with Elena, Of course he would go for her. Every guy that I like Elena gets him. She broke up with Matt by saying that its because of her parents death, she needs time when in reality it was that she didnt feel passionate enough for him. Now she is moving on with Stefan.

I really tried to catch Stefans attention but he was so into Elena. But I am not going to give up so soon.

I invited him to tomorrows party and thought there I would get him.

Bonnie as usual was on Elenas side.

Next day

At the Party

I was madly searching for Stefan and I finally saw him.

I tried to make a conversation but I could tell he didnt want to be near me. I really tried a lot but he rejected me by saying Caroline you and me its not gonna happen and he went to Elena.

I felt so much hurt that I just ran from there to the grill and begin to drink.

Bonnie found me crying in the grill.

I started saying why didnt he go for me? How come the guys that I want never want me?

Bonnie says I am not touching that.

I say I am inappropriate, always say the wrong thing and Elena always says the right thing. She doesnt even try and he just picks her. And she is always the one that everyone picks for everything. And I try so hard and I am never the one.

Bonnie says Its not a competition Caroline

I say yeah it is

I wanted Bonnie to know how much she and Elena hurt me but she doesnt get it and doesnt even put an effort to understand me and my perspective.

I went home and continued to cry over Stefan not picking me and choosing Elena and the hurt Elena and Bonnie inflicted upon me.

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