Season 1: Part 5

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After 3 days

I was distributing the flyers for our car wash event. I saw Stefan and told him about the event and I told him and Elena to be present. Yes, he was talking to Elena and she was looking pretty annoyed with my interruption but Stefan wasn't.

I was happy with that.

I asked where is Damon? He has some apologising to do.

Stefan says he is gone Caroline

I say when is he coming back?

Stefan says he is not coming back. I am sorry.

Next day

At the event

Suddenly I hear Damon's voice in my head during the event. I thought it was those voices which I hear but this was different.

I felt compelled to do what the voice was saying and have no control over my body.

I really don't remember how I reached Salvatore boarding house but I was running for my life from someone, I couldn't see his face.

I have never felt so scared. I tried to forget this incident. I even told my psychiatrist about it and he also said that it might be my imagination and under the influence of those voices I did what I did.

After 2 days

I meet Bonnie at the school and say I have got you a costume. It's all here

Bonnie looks at it and says Seriously?

I say Ahh, come on, Can someone please be excited that it's Halloween? I just wanna have fun. You know just some silly, fluffy, Damon-free fun

Bonnie says Isn't this crystal the one you got from Damon?

I say yes, It's mine and now I giving it to you. It's yours. Have you seen Elena? Do we know what she is wearing?

Bonnie says I was with Grams all weekend. I haven't talked to her. Maybe she is with Stefan.

I say riding to his castle on his white horse.

Bonnie says oh don't be bitter. It provokes wrinkles.

I say heh.

After that we go to our classes.

At School Halloween party

I was enjoying with Bonnie and my other friends at the Halloween party.

Next day

I was walking in the town when Damon appeared out of nowhere.

I got scared and annoyed as I didn't want to be his little slave girl again.

I say to Damon look dungeon boy, I am done being your little slave girl.

I spoke too soon as Damon compelled me again and I was being nice to him even if I don't wanted to be.

Damon say to me that I wanna throw a party at the grill tonight.

I say why don't you do it?

Damon says because then Stefan and his BFF won't come. I need a lot of people, big crowd, Invite everyone.

I say and why am I having this party?

Damon says because you are gonna help me solve this town's little vampire problem. And I want my crystal back.

I say Oh but Bonnie has it.

Damon says I know that. Get it from her.

After that I got busy with organising the party that Damon has ordered me to.

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