Season 2: Part 5

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Next day

It was the Historical Society Volunteer picnic day and I had signed up my mom for it but I am sure she would forget about this. To my surprise when I came out from my room, she was preparing for it.

I asked her what was she doing? She replied that she is coming to the picnic and spend some time with me. I didn't believe that at all and questioned her why she is all of a sudden trying to be my mom when all these years she has made me feel like nothing. She says I am trying, can you at least give me a chance?

I say ok but I am in the mood

My mom says you seem different Caroline? I know that you think that I don't notice these things but I do.

I say I am fine and we left for the picnic.

At the picnic

A girl offered me, Damon and Stefan lemonade and we drank it but it was laced with vervain. We began to throw up. We didn't notice that my mother saw that and she knows about us being vampires. Mason told my mom about us being vampires.

After a while, my mom was leaving the picnic and I asked her about it. She says she has some important work. I say sure, that's more like you. You at least lasted more than 5 minutes. My mom says look Caroline, I am sorry but it's really important. I say fine, go then.

Stefan came up to me and says we need to end Mason, he might expose us. I say but Stefan?

Stefan says Caroline it's too risky. He gave us vervain and he could expose us. He is making threats. I say fine.

Stefan says let's go he is near the caves.

Near the caves

Damon, Stefan and I were talking to Mason when suddenly we were shot with wooden bullets and we fainted. My mom and deputies injected us with vervain.

We woke up in the cave and we started to remove the wooden bullets from our bodies.

Before we could get out of the caves, we hear someone coming in. It was my mom and 3 deputies.

My mom has tears in her eyes and say you are one of them Caroline. I couldn't protect you from them. I say what are you talking about mom? She says you are a vampire. I get shocked and I start thinking how she came to know that. Suddenly I see Uncle Mason walking up with a smirk holding Elena and I immediately understood that it was his plan of exposing us.

I say you don't know everything mom. Please listen to me first and I start going towards her but she starts shooting me. I was able to dodge but Salvatore brothers weren't so lucky. I hit uncle Mason to the wall and drink his blood till he is unconscious and I did the same with the 3 deputies. Elena rushes to Stefan. My mother is numb after seeing my like this and says kill her.

I say they are just unconscious not dead mom. Damon stands up and starts to go towards my mom and say what are we gonna do with you?

I speed up and place myself between Damon and my mom. I say we are not killing her.

Damon says relax, I am not going to kill my friend. Although you nearly killed my brother. Damon says might as well give Stefan some human blood Caroline.

Stefan says No

Damon says you have to get your strength back brother.

Elena says Stefan said no Damon.

I say I will get some animals for Stefan and you Damon take out the bullets out of Stefan's body. And don't you dare do anything to my mom while I am gone.

I came back with few animals from whom Stefan drank and was able to vamp to his house and get better.

Damon and Elena took my mother to Salvatore Boarding house while I went home to pack her stuff for her stay at the Salvatore Boarding house. Damon compel the deputies to forget about us being vampires and told them to go to the hospital and get the wound bandaged. Damon also took Uncle Mason as hostage and put him in my family cellar.

I reached the Salvatore Boarding House. Elena opened the door and Stefan was not that behind. Elena says Damon thinks 4 days would be enough for her to be vervain free and then we can compel her to forget everything. I say Ok.

I am about to enter the cellar, I hear her say to keep her away from me. Damon defends me by saying I am still her daughter. She says not anymore, my daughter is gone.

I still enter the cellar and see fear in her eyes for me and say here is your stuff, I packed everything which I felt was necessary. I am still me Caroline Forbes. You denying that doesn't change the fact. Besides why are you acting like you have lost a daughter because you were there for your daughter anyways. Saying that I leave from the cellar.

Elena starts saying to give her some time and not take out my anger on her. I say Elena don't interfere in my matters. There is more to the problem and my anger which you won't understand because you get everything on a silver platter and you take it for granted. Before Elena could say anything more Stefan says Elena let's go we have to pack the stuff from the picnic. And Caroline we will bring your stuff too.

I say thanks Stefan.

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