Season 2: Part 2

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I went home but I couldn't get inside my own home as if a barrier was preventing me from entering. I decided to call my mom and ask her to come home for some time. Thankfully she didn't ask that many questions and came.

I was crying and waiting for her sitting on the porch. She came and hugged me and asked me what's the matter? She asks me what are you waiting for Caroline? Come on in. I was about to tell her that I wasn't able to step into the house but decided to show her instead. However, to my surprise, I was able to get in this time, there was no barrier stopping me from entering the house.

I remembered that my mom asked me to come in and I could get it which is really weird. I ask her if she can stay with me for few hours?

She say I have some important work Caroline. I can't stay. Why don't you call your friends?

I angrily say right, go do your important work. It's more important than the fact whether I live or die.

My mom tries to say it's nothing like that. We hear a knock and It's Damon Salvatore. She says she has to go.

I say go and leave me alone like you always do. She goes with Damon and doesn't know what to say to me.

I put the blood bags in my room fridge. I started to research online about what's happening to me.

All I found were fictions and fake articles. I was becoming a vampire but I wasn't ready to accept that as I don't believe vampires are real. Suddenly I came across a link of a cafe in Richmond. I opened the website and started chatting with someone online. He told me his name was Slater. We started talking about vampires in code language.

He says that I am a vampire and he wishes to meet me as he hasn't seen a new vampire with so much control. He told me everything about how we become a vampire and about daylight rings, sun burning us and etc.

I agreed to meet him tomorrow evening at the cafe. We exchanged our phone numbers and say goodbye to each other.

I was thinking how I got vampire blood in my system. I was thinking how my life had changed. How I would forever be stuck at 16.

I was thinking about Tina How I wished that she was there

I didn't sleep. I just started thinking about my new life.

It was morning now and I tried to put my hand in sunlight, it burnt my hand. I had to retreat it. All day I was sitting int the dark. My mom didn't even notice the change in me and for the first time I was glad for her ignorance.

She greeted me and spent a few minutes with me and then went for work.

I told her that tonight evening I was going to Richmond. She asks why? I say just for the change of surroundings and to get over Tina's death. She says ok and asks me to take care of myself.

I called up the school and informed them about me not attending the school today because of my recent accident and asked them to courier the homework to my house. They happily agreed and asked me to take care of myself.

I did cooking and knitting all day and in the evening I left for Richmond in taxi.

I reached the cafe and meet Slater. He told me that he can get me a daylight ring so that I can walk in the sun.

I say than you so much Slater. He took me to a witch who owed him a favour. She asks me not to take advantage of it. I say that I would never do that.

Slater tells about my controlling skills and the witch says she doesn't believe it. I say you can get into my head and see it that Slater is telling the truth.

She says okay, no need for that I believe you. It's just that it is very rare for a newbie vampire to show that level of control.

I say just because I became a vampire, I don't become a ruthless killer. I am still me Caroline Forbes.

The witch smiles and tells me never to lose the light in me and happily gives me a daylight ring.

I thank her and we went to Slater's house. I asked him why doesn't he get one for himself? He says He doesn't need it.

I thank him for helping me and making me understand this new life. Now I have to find out how I became a vampire. We shared goodbyes and I left for Mystic falls. But before that I took some blood bags from the hospital.

I came back to Mystic falls and I stored the new blood bags in my room fridge.

I get ready for school and drink lots of blood so that I don't feel hungry at school.

It's been 4 months that I have become a vampire and I found out how I became one from Elena's journal. I was keeping an eye on Elena, Bonnie and the Salvatore Brothers as I remember Damon compelling me, manipulating me, pushing me around, feeding on me. From Elena's journal, I find that Bonnie is a witch and Both Stefan and Damon are vampires. I feel betrayed by Elena and Bonnie as they knew it but they never told me. Elena after everything Damon did to me, Elena became his friend, how can she do that? If she was my true friend then she wouldn't have befriended Damon for making me his puppet and chew toy.

I came to know that aunt Jenna doesn't know anything and she is not on vervain. I compelled her to make a copy of Elena's journal for me. She did that and hand it over to me. I read the whole journal and came to know about her lies.

I was so angry at them for taking away my life.

Thankfully, nobody found out about me being a vampire. In these 4 months I have been planning on getting my revenge from Damon. I was just waiting for the opportunity which I got on the carnival day.

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