Season 1: Part 6

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Next day

I was walking in the school with Elena and She asked me have I spoken to Bonnie?

I say no. She needs to make the first move. Be the bigger person. Ugh, impossible in her presence.

Elena says why are you pissed at her anyway?

I say she is a thief, that's why. I gave her my necklace and she refuses to give it back. It's a matter of principle.

Elena says All right, I tried I am officially out of it.

I say good. Your turn. Where is Stefan? Have you talked to him?

Elena says he is avoiding me

I say why?

Elena says It's complicated. I will see you later

I say Bye.

After that I see Matt and I started to hang out with him

At night

I was going to Elena's house for pedicure and Manicure and Bonnie would be present there too.

I hope that they don't make me feel like a third wheel.

At Elena's House

I say to Bonnie I am sorry There I said it. If you want the ugly necklace you can keep it. It's yours.

Bonnie says will you hate me if I tell you I threw it away?

I say you threw it away?

Bonnie says I know it sounds crazy but the necklace was giving me nightmares.

I say you could have given it back to me.

Elena says why? so you could give it back to Damon?

I say screw Damon. Are we doing manicures or what? Who has their kit?

Bonnie says mine is in my bag.

I go to Bonnie's bag to take the kit but to my surprise I find the necklace.

I say You are such a liar Bonnie?

Bonnie says what?

Elena scoldingly says Caroline

I show them the necklace

Bonnie says I am not lying to you Caroline I swear.

Elena says It's true. I watched her throw it into a field.

I say then explain it

Bonnie says Emily?

I say who is Emily?

Bonnie says the ghost

I say oh the ghost has a name now?

Elena says Caroline please.

Bonnie says I wonder why she won't leave me alone.

I say okay what is going on? Why am I not a part of this conversation? You guys do this to me all the time.

I got really hurt that Elena and Bonnie were being annoyed at me when I voice that. They kept on denying it that they don't leave me out of conversations.

They would never admit their own faults but always ready to put the blame on me.

I decided to change the topic and convinced them to talk to the ghost.

We started doing that using the board but something happened. The necklace was gone. Elena as usual started accusing me of taking the necklace and demanded that I return the necklace. I say I didn't take the necklace and I am done falling for your and Bonnie's tricks. I am going.

Elena tried to stop me but I leave the house in tears. I was very hurt from the accusations and their treatment of me.

I cried all night thinking about what happened at Elena's house

Next day

I came to the school with Matt and we were just talking. After that I went to my classes.

I was leaving school when Damon came to me and I got so angry at him because of what he said to me and how he treated me.

I say get out of my way.

Damon compels me and say you will use this compass to locate a vampire. Okay?

I say Okay.

Don't know why I said okay. It's as if I have no control over me. I hate this feeling.

I get on with what Damon asked me to do even though I didn't want to do.

I found something and I called Damon asking him what do I do next?

Damon says Just wait, I will be there in a minute.

I say can you hurry? I have things to do.

Damon suddenly appears behind me and says give me the compass

I give him that and I ask him so why did you need me to do this?

Damon says Because I interfere with the signal.

I say look can I go now? This has blown like half of my day.

Damon compels me and say you do that. Get in your car and go home. Forget about what I asked you to do.

I say bye.

I absolutely hate this when he compels me to do something. It's like I am his puppet that would dance on his tunes, do whatever he says.

I go to the school to attend the career fair.

I was going towards my future and my mom came and asks me where I was going?

I show her my future, Broadcast Journalism.

She says Broadcast Journalism?

I say yes, Broadcast Journalism. Why are you looking at me like that?

She says you don't even read a paper

I was hurt that instead of supporting me she was making fun of me.

I say at least it is better than marrying a gay. Thank for your support though. I let her know that she has hurt me.

I was waiting for Tina one of my other friends to pick me up. But Mr. Logan came and offered me a rise. I went with him and I started asking him questions about journalism. Suddenly he bangs my head on the window and I become unconscious.

I just remember waking up in the arms of Stefan Salvatore just outside my home.

I say what happened? Why did Mr. Logan attacked me?

Stefan says I don't know. You mom is investigating it. Can you walk?

I say yes

Stefan puts me down and I open the door. Stefan is standing outside. I invite him in as he said he can stay if I want and I didn't want to be alone.

We were in my room and Stefan was sitting on the beanbag

I say Stefan so did you find your career?

He says no

I say I know what you would want to be.

He says What?

I say a doctor or a paramedic - saving people's lives.

He says what would you want to be Caroline?

I was elated that someone wanted to know about me.

I say Broadcast Journalism.

Seeing his facial expressions I assumed he would just laugh it off like my mother did but he surprised me and said that I could make a good journalist as I always speak my mind.

I blushed a little and said thank you.

We were having a really good time but suddenly we were back to reality. Elena called him and I asked him to go. He didn't want to leave me alone.

I was grateful for his time.

I slept happily that night.

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