Season 2: Part 1

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After all four of us were admitted to the hospital, Tina was declared dead on arrival. She had sustained some internal injuries which took her like.

Matt had an injury on his head and fractured on of his hand.

When doctors were checking Tyler, his eyes glowed golden and he suddenly woke up without any injuries.

I was on a critical stage. It was a miracle that I was still breathing because like Tina I also sustained internal injuries while she died, I was barely breathing. There was very little to no hope of me making out alive.

Suddenly I felt better and my injuries began to heal. Doctors were surprised by it. I asked about Tina and the boys.

Doctor told me that Tina is no more. I couldn't believe that and began crying instantly. They tried to console me but I was broken by her death. She was my true friend.

I ask about my mother. Doctor say that she received a call from work. I immediately became angry listening to that. Here I was dying and she instead of spending time with me, she was doing her work. I felt so broken and alone. I asked the doctors can I get the discharge now?

Doctor say I am perfectly fine now but I need to be careful for at least next few days. We will prepare the discharge documents. I say thank you doctor.

Matt, Tyler, Elena, Bonnie, and Stefan came to see me. I was talking to them. Tyler was constantly blaming himself for Tina's death. I say it wasn't your fault Tyler. You were in pain and the accident happened. You said about some voice but we couldn't hear anything.

After a while they all left and I changed into fresh pair of clothes which my mother left.

After getting the discharge, I left the hospital and got home. I was just remembering Tina. I decided to go on a long drive to stop myself from thinking about Tina. I was driving really fast and very rashly. I was a vehicle come from front and to save myself I turned my car but it hit a tree and I got into another accident. The driver came and checked my pulse. I died, there was no pulse. He called the ambulance. Luckily it was the same hospital where I was admitted before.

The same doctor examined me and I suddenly woke up. He said that it's a miracle I was declared dead but I am still alive.

Doctor says how are you feeling Caroline?

I say I am feeling very hungry.

Doctor says we will get some food for you Caroline. I know it must be really traumatic for you being in a second car accident on the same night.

I just smile and say nothing.

Doctor say that they will keep me in the hospital for a day for observation.

I immediately say no doctor

But Doctor say it's the protocol.

I accepted it reluctantly. I ask about my car

Doctor say it's in the service centre of the showroom. Actually, car's papers were there so we called the dealer and he got it sorted.

I say ok doctor, thanks for that.

Doctor left me alone in my room. I was panicking and worrying a lot for no reason I think. But I was feeling different since I woke up the second time at the hospital

A nurse brought me food but it was tasting disgusting. It was as if I was craving something else but what I don't know. Suddenly I could hear things from miles away or is it just in my head, I don't know.

I went to the reception, there was no one but I suddenly smelt something really delicious. I don't know what it was but I wanted it.

I followed the scent and found myself in a room full of blood bags. I was shocked that I was craving blood. I took one blood bag before the nurse came and escorted me to my room.

I was disgusted that I wanted blood but it was so tempting. Somehow, I gained the courage and took a sip from the blood bag. It was so relishing. But suddenly I remembered that it was blood, so I threw the blood bag away. However, it was so tempting that I couldn't stop myself and I finished the whole blood bag. I wanted more but first I have to get out of here.

I started to get myself out of hospital clothes and get into my clothes.

Suddenly I started to feel severe pain in my gums and teeth. I was screaming and I saw two teeth coming out like vampires have.

Nurse came back to ask me if I was okay or I need something

I say I am very hungry and grab her from her neck and pinned her to the wall. I tell her not to scream or tell anyone about this.

She repeated what I just said. I was shocked but I was so hungry that I bit her and drank her blood. I didn't kill her or drank to the point that she loses consciousness.

I asked her to bandage herself and tell everyone the story I asked her to tell if anyone asks her about her injury.

Then I asked her to get me out of the hospital. Before going, I asked her to forget what has happened. I took some blood bags with myself just in case.

I really didn't understand why she was doing everything I said. I have to find out what's wrong with me.

The Vampire Diaries fanfiction: Steroline Love story Where stories live. Discover now