Season 2: Part 6

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At night

I was sleeping on the sofa and I suddenly woke up as I felt that someone was watching me. That someone was Damon Salvatore.

Damon says that my mother is wrong. I am still her daughter.

I say she can believe what she wants but I know that I am still Caroline Forbes. Her not believing this isn't gonna change that fact.

Damon says founding families don't trust vampires and it's nothing new for them to turn their backs on their own children.

I say has it happened with you and Stefan?

Damon says we were trying to save Katherine who was a vampire we both loved and our father shot us dead even though we were still human. We woke up in transition and Stefan went to meet our father but he started calling Stefan a monster.

Stefan comes and says I killed him and completed my transition.

I looked at both of them and felt bad for them. I say Damon, I had your blood in my system and I got discharged from the hospital. I went home and but then I decided to go on a long drive to distract myself from Tina's death. I was driving very fast and rashly and I got into another accident. I died and I was brought to the same hospital and same doctors examined me, suddenly I woke up and I was in transition. Without knowing anything, I drank blood from a blood bag and completed my transition.

Suddenly I was feeling severe pain in my gums and teeth and I compelled a nurse without knowing anything about compulsion. I bit her and drank her blood. I didn't kill her or drank till she was unconscious. I compelled her to forget that I ever bit her.

Stefan says wow, I haven't seen a new vampire display so much self-control.

I say my control freakiness and my mental illness magnified as I became a vampire. It helped me to control the urge to kill.

Damon says how did you get your daylight ring?

I say I went home but I wasn't able to enter. I called my mom and she invited me in and I came in. I spent searching online about what was happening to me. I didn't want to believe that vampires were real and that I was one of them. I found a link to a website of a cafe in Richmond. There I was chatting with a vampire who helped me understand this new life and get me a daylight ring.

Stefan says it could have been dangerous or you might have been walking into a trap set by the vampire.

I say I know but I had no other choice. I didn't know whether you would have helped me or not. But I was sure that Damon would have killed me.

Damon says right.

I say tomorrow I will talk to my mother.

Stefan says Caroline, she isn't going to accept you.

I say I am not doing it for that Stefan. I want to get the hurt she has caused me out of my system and it's the best chance I have. She can't run off to work like always.

Stefan says ok as you wish Caroline. But be careful.

Damon says don't be too sad if she doesn't react the way you wanted her to.

I say I am not expecting anything from her. This is just me getting everything out of my system.

After that I slept on the sofa

Next day

I woke up and got freshened up. After that I started to cook. Stefan comes and see me cooking. He says I didn't know that you could cook?

I say given the hours my mom spends on her work, I eventually had to learn how to cook. He could sense the sadness in my voice.

Stefan says everything would be ok.

I say I don't know Stefan. I am taking this to my mom and going to talk to her.

Stefan says Ok.

I go to my mom with food. I place the food in front of her but she doesn't even touch it. I say there is no poison or vervain in it, please eat it you need this to live.

She doesn't even move.

I say you will keep ignoring me like I don't exist just like always.

So, I am going to start now telling you how much you have hurt me. Firstly, let's start tight after divorce, I had to constantly hear you and dad fight, do you have any idea how that impacted me?

The perfect world that I knew was just a mirage and it came to an end. Dad left us like we were nothing and you left me too. Sure, I lived with you but you were not truly there for me. You didn't know that I took up as many activities as I could because I didn't want to come to an empty home. I had to learn how to cook, how to do household chores, and everything. I lost my childhood because of you and dad.

You judged me for the choices I make and never tried to be supportive and concerned about me. You know I have mental illness. I have OCD, GAD, DID, Schizophrenia, Autism and Depression. I see a psychiatrist and a psychologist since last 5 years. You were always worried about your job, your work. You were never there to see me win Miss Mystic Falls or any of my other achievements. I couldn't talk to you about my problems because you were always busy. You know I used to put up a mask of smile to hide my sadness and loneliness.

I was lying on deathbed and you left for work the moment I got better. You couldn't even spare a few minutes for your daughter. But you know I got better because Damon gave me his blood. I left the hospital and got into another accident in which I died with Damon's blood in my system. I woke up in the hospital and I was transitioning into a vampire. I drank blood from the blood bag and completed my transition. I was alone and didn't know what was happening to me, why I was craving blood all of a sudden, why I feel different. I had no clue, I was scared and alone, didn't know with whom I should talk to about this.

I found another vampire online who helped me figure out everything. You hunt them but you couldn't see that I was different because you never noticed me, I didn't exist for you. Uncle Mason who told you about us did he tell you this that he and Tyler were werewolves. They tortured me with vervain and wooden bullets while I was locked up in a cage because they wanted something from Stefan and Damon. I was just collateral damage and just a pawn for them. They used you to eliminate us.

You are the first mother who would wish that her daughter had stayed dead.

But I am not going to let you pull me back down by making me feeling less about myself. I am going to move forward with or without you. Now, you have to choose what you want to do. Try to make amends or repeat the same mistakes.

She is not even looking at me. I say I think you have made your choice. Like the people of this town who have judged me, think less of me and have never been there for me, you are going to do that. You are never going to admit your own faults like them and put the blame on me whenever I voice this injustice done to me.

I start to leave the cellar but turn around and say you didn't lose your daughter to vampirism but you lost her while she was still human, you lost her because you were not there for her and she cut you out of her life, You had a chance to make amends but seems like I am not worth it in your eyes, But I am not going to wish that I stayed dead just because of your beliefs.

As I go, I hear her cry bitterly.

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