Season 1: Part 9

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Next day

I was helping for a community event and Matt was there too with Tyler.

I heard them talking about me and I started to grew angry at them for what they were talking about. I even heard what Tyler said about me. I had enough of that. I went up to them and said to Mstt to stop whining and start owning upto his mistakes and Tyler about you calling me an insecure neurotic bitchy little twit, you are an asshole who can't stay with one girl and a bully. So before calling me something first look at yourself. Now you both are here to help in the community event not to discuss personal problems. Got it?

I went away from them with a proud smile for standing up for myself.

Later, we saw Tyler and Matt's mother having sex. Matt was highly embarrassed as well as angry at Tyler. Both of them had a huge fight. Stefan came in and stopped it.

I went up to Matt's mother and say I never thought that you would stoop this low and be your daughter's rebound. Oh wait, I never thought that because you are worth thinking about. You are worth nothing.

Before she can say something Matt took his mother and went home.

Elena came to me and say was it necessary to say all that? Can't you just forget it? You are making Matt hate you even more.

I say who are you to speak in my business? I meant what I said Elena we not friends anymore. Get that in your pea sized head. And about Matt hating me, I don't care because he was in the wrong this time but you won't get it. For you it's always Caroline Forbes who is wrong, who overreacts at everything and creates a drama out of everything.

Elena says Caroline what has gotten into you? Why are you making such a big issue out of something so small.

I say talking to you is like banging my head nonstop on the wall. You always believe that you are correct and everyone should do always what you say but I am not someone who would dance on your tunes Elena. I have a brain and I understand everything.

Elena says but Caroline.

But I don't listen what Elena has to say and I walk away from her.

Next day

At the grill

Everyone was present except Bonnie. I was singing at the grill.

I was on stage with my guitar and was singing one of my self written and composed songs - "You are not my true friend"

I say that this song is dedicated to Elena Gilbert. Everyone claps and I start the song.

Elena who was in the audience gets embarrassed and angry I believe because when I stepped down from the stage, Elena comes to me and says what are you trying to achieve Caroline?

I say I am just dedicating you a song Elena. That's it.

Elena says I am not your true friend song really Caroline. You need to get over your insecurities Caroline.

I started to get angry at her and say you need get over yourself. You think that you are always correct and knows best. The song just conveys my true feelings, what you have made me feel. I am not an insecure neurotic control freak on crack as you like to believe Elena. You have never considered my feelings. You always wrongly accuse me and belittle me and always make me feel like a third wheel between you and Bonnie. These are my true feelings but you won't get it. Stefan I think you should take your so called self righteous and self-absorbed girlfriend and go before something is said that she won't be able to hear.

After that I go back on stage and begin to sing another song. I was really enjoying the attention I was getting

I could see that Matt wasn't happy with the song I dedicated to Elena because it portrayed his precious Elena in a bad light and he can't stand that. I knew he wasn't over Elena. It wasn't just my insecurities.

Next day

Bonnie came back to school and I was talking to her when Elena came in between. Yes, we reconnected again when her grandmother died. I decided to give her another chance. It was very clear that Bonnie was trying to avoid Elena but she can't see that. She didn't even say hi to me and just started talking to Bonnie.

But Bonnie was in no mood to listen and say let's go Caroline. I say Ok. And I know that we have spent talking daily to each other but still I want to ask are you okay?

Elena was shocked that Bonnie was in contact with me and felt hurt. Bonnie says I will be okay if I just stay away from some people. She says this while looking at Elena.

I don't know what happened between them but it must be something tragic and huge because they were inseparable.

I didn't know what to say so I started talking about the Miss Mystic falls pageant.

Elena as usual wanted attention decided to jump in our conversation and say is she missing something?

I say it's Miss Mystic falls pageant. Your mother got you entered remember.

Again she started her sob story of how she wanted to do this for her mother and tried to gain sympathy but she got none.

I and Bonnie left to find the perfect dress for me and help in the pageant preparations.

We were doing the dance rehearsals at the Lockwood mansion ground and Stefan and Elena were fooling around.

I immediately called them off for it. Of course Elena looked annoyed but Stefan had a sheepish expression on his face which I find it cute. I told Elena for some people it is their dream and very important so take it seriously.

Elena says casually and in a very irritated manner that it's just a dance Caroline.

I grew so angry at her and seeing my face everyone took a step back but Stefan jumps in and says sorry about Elena and I, we will do it seriously from now on.

I say better be

After the rehearsal, I went home with Tina and we were talking about the pageant. We didn't care who wins from both of us but it shouldn't be Elena.

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