Season 1: Part 11

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Next day

I set up a meeting so that we could start with the preparations.

I said that I know it might be awkward for some people to work together but we are here together to make the event a success. We will be professional with each other okay.

Then I showed them the theme which we would be having. I assigned the work to everyone and began supervising.

Suddenly something dropped and Matt's hand was crushed. Everyone tried to lift the thing and Stefan also helped and asked me to call the ambulance.

Matt has to wear crape bandage on his hand for a week.

I told everyone to be careful.

Few days later, it was the event day. We all were dressed as people of 1864 year. I was on the reign of Miss mystic.

I felt really good but sad that my mother was not there to see me.

After the show we all got changed for the celebration.

I was talking to Bonnie as she seemed very lost. She said to me that she did something bad. She lied to Elena about it. I said that she doesn't have to do everything Elena asks. If you think it's right then that's it. Don't let Elena dictate your life. You have the right to make a decision which is not in favour of Elena.

Bonnie looks at me and said thanks. I have to go talk to Elena. I said ok. I went to grill and found Tina over there.

I saw Tyler and Matt too.

It's just getting awkward. Suddenly Mayor Lockwood comes to Tyler and asks him to take me, Matt and Tina with him and go home.

I could see that he was tensed so I step in and asked the problem. But he said there is no time to tell but you guys have to get out of here soon.

We all get in the car. I sat at front with Tyler as Matt didn't want to be with Tyler at the front seat.

Tyler started talking Matt how long are you going to stay mad. I said I was sorry.

I say you slept with his mother. Do the math.

Nobody asked for your opinion Forbes says Tyler.

You can't talk to Caroline like that, Tina defends me.

Tyler was about to reply to her but suddenly starts screaming as if his head was exploding. He was saying something about the noise hurting his head and ears.

But three of us couldn't hear any noise.

Suddenly he lost control of the car and it crashed, an accident happened.

I was trying to get out of the car so I removed my seat belt but before I could jump out of the car, the car collided and I went flying out breaking the wind screen and hitting my head on the wall.

Tyler was the one who got least amount of injuries.

Matt and Tina were successful in getting off the car in time but still sustained a lot of injuries.

We were there for few hours before ambulance came.

We all four were admitted to the hospital.

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