Season 1: Part 8

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At the grill

We met up with Stefan and Elena at the grill. We were talking about the past then Elena as usual had to make it about her. She started making me feel uncomfortable by talking about her and Matt's relationship. And Matt wasn't helping either.

I think Stefan noticed my discomfort, so I excused myself to go to the restroom.

I was trying to calm myself and not make a scene or cry or scream at Matt and Elena.

After a few minutes, I saw Elena into the washroom, I decided to confront her on what she was doing. When I asked her she acted so innocent that I wished to slam her head into the mirror.

She very innocently said that she was making a conversation. I said tonight is not about her and Matt but about you with Stefan and I with Matt. Remember it.

After that, I went leaving Elena alone in the washroom. When I came up to Stefan and Matt I was still very angry. Actually I was frustrated with everything that Matt's mom said and Elena and Matt pretending that she didn't say anything wrong or hurtful.

After a few minutes, Elena came out of the washroom and suggested to play pool but it wasn't that much of fun. Elena asked Stefan if they can go to his house.

I wasn't comfortable in that after I had one of my episodes over there but decided to go for it and not be a spoilt sport. It's not like anyone would listen to be because we must always obey Elena Gilbert.

We went inside the Salvatore Boarding house and I begin to remember my episode. Stefan asked me if I was okay. I say that I am remembering that one day I had come to the boarding house and was running from someone for my life.

Elena says it can't be possible Caroline.

I sharply reply to her that I am not lying and I don't care whether you believe me or not.

At that point Matt says Caroline in a disappointed manner. Now he reacts but when it comes to me he doesn't.

Stefan sensing s fight coming up, he takes us to see his car.

Again Matt and Elena started commenting about their past and how they were together. I went away scoffing at them.

Everyone saw that. Elena came after me and had the audacity to say that I was being ridiculous.

I say and insecure and stupid but that doesn't change the fact that I am always gonna be the back up.

Elena says you are not the back up.

I continue I am Matt's Elena back, I am your Bonnie back up.

Elena interrupts me and says now it's about me and Bonnie in a jokey and mocking manner.

I say you don't get it, do you?

Elena nods her head in no.

I say why would you, you are everyone's first choice.

Elena makes a sad face.

Stefan and Matt come. Matt tells me his sorry.

I show him my hand and say stop right there. I don't want to hear anything. I am breaking up with you because you are still in love with Elena. She is my friend but had spent all evening making me uncomfortable and unsure of yours and mine relationship.

You both have no idea how much hurt I felt when your mother was belittling me, called me a rebound. You both just stood there and laughed like she didn't say anything wrong or hurtful.

Elena jumps in and says you are over reacting Caroline. Don't break up with Matt on such a silly issue.

As soon as I heard what she said, I felt so much rage that I couldn't express it in words. I simply said it's between me and Matt. You are not needed so stay out of it. And it's not a silly issue. If you were in my place then you would have understand it but you are you the Golden girl of Mystic falls who pretends to be compassionate but is so inconsiderate that I cannot even tell.

Matt says Caroline, what has gotten into you?

I say Matt you don't care how I feel. These past few days, you have just made me feel bad about myself and I hate that feeling. We are no longer together. I refuse to be your Elena back up. I am sorry, actually no I am not sorry. I have nothing to apologise for. We are not together because of your unwillingness to let go of your past and be in the present. You can go back to loving Elena, Matt. I don't want to come in between. And Elena our friendship is over. I can't be friends with someone who doesn't care how she makes me feel. Sorry Stefan you had to see that but I needed to get it out of my system.

After that I went inside the boarding house to take my sling bag and found Damon and Matt's mother having sex.

I immediately covered my eyes and screamed.

Hearing my voice Stefan, Matt and Elena came in and what they saw shocked them. Well in Matt's case he was embarrassed.

I decided to embarrass Matt's mother more and say looks like you are so eager to have sex, that you were ready to jump into bed with your son's classmate elder brother. And you were telling me I was a rebound. For your information, I broke up with your son because I refuse to be someone's rebound. But you just for sex you could be anyone's rebound too. So low you are.

Matt angrily says Caroline, how can you say this? You are talking about my mother.

I say now you feel hurt because I was this about your mother but you didn't react at all when she was speaking ill about me and my mom. Right, you don't care. Matt, she is your mother but she doesn't act like one. Maybe the day the stops embarrassing you, speaking ill about me and my mom and starts acting like a mother, she would get respect from me. Till then I would fight back with her for every ill thing she spoke about me and my mom. She has no right to speak bad about me and my mom.

After that I leave the Salvatore Boarding house and go home.

I begin to cry about everything that has happened. After few hours of crying, I called Tina and told her what happened.

She consoled me and told me that Elena isn't worth it. She isn't my true friend. Her actions prove that.

We talked all night and I felt good after talking to her and she cheered me up.

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