Season 2: Part 4

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Next day

I was in my house alone when Damon came and attacked me. He attempts to stake me but I fight back and throw him off me. He says that he is older and stronger but I say that I am angrier. We both begin to fight. Suddenly Stefan came and begins to fight Damon.

Stefan comes in front of me and stops Damon from attacking me.

Damon says I would never make up as a vampire of all people. I am liability.

I come forward and say I made out fine for 4 months. You found out because I told you. You have no right to judge me whether I will make it as a vampire or not.

Damon says I am gonna stake you and vamps to stake me but Stefan comes in between and says You won't kill Caroline, Damon.

Damon says I will die or did you forget about Vickie.

Stefan says I won't let what happened to Vickie, happen to Caroline.

Damon says it's on you Stefan, Blondie is going to create problems in the future for us.

Stefan says we will see that.

Damon vamps away

Stefan asks me are you okay Caroline?

I say you asked me to spare his life and look what he did.

Stefan says I am sorry about Damon. He doesn't do well with threats.

I say whatever.

After that Stefan and I leave for school.

In my math class Stefan tried to talk to me but I didn't budge and didn't respond to him. I was getting angry and agitated.

Bonnie was all looking at me with judgemental face while Elena was pretending as if nothing happened. Both the approaches were totally wrong.

In my home economics class, I see Stefan. He changed his elective. I told him that I am fine on my own. One of the students prick his finger and I could feel the blood lust. By reflex, I just held Stefan's hand to control my blood lust. Stefan saw that and say to me you have to fight it and overcome the blood lust. I felt much better. I say thank you to him. Stefan says no problem.

After the class finished, Stefan said that he can help me and I say Stefan I am fine on my own. Thanks for considering it.

After that I go to the grill to eat something. After that I was leaving the grill when someone approached me and attack me. I fought back but suddenly Uncle Mason (Tyler's uncle) sprayed my face with vervain and another person snapped my neck from behind.

I woke up in a cage where I couldn't even move properly. A man shot me with wooden bullets and another man sprayed me with vervain. I screamed in pain. I heard Stefan's voice. Uncle Mason was talking to Stefan. He was demanding Tyler and moonstone be returned to him safely or I would be dead.

I got angry that I was getting tortured without any of my fault.

I took the pain in and opened the cage and freed myself. The two people began shooting me and spraying me with vervain. I dodged it and drank their blood and killed them both.

Hearing the commotion, Uncle Mason and his friends came and I started to fight them. I killed all of Mason's friends and I was about to kill Uncle Mason when Damon and Stefan arrive with Tyler.

Tyler say Caroline, you are one of them? You killed my friends.

I say your so called friends and uncle kidnapped me and tortured me for no reason. They deserved it. They were going to kill me if Stefan and Damon didn't return you and moonstone safely.

Mason say you will pay for this Caroline. You are on my hit list just as the Salvatore brothers are.

Stefan says You won't harm Caroline. What happened today it's the first and the last time that it has happened.

Damon says take Tyler and leave before I kill both of you.

Mason leaves with Tyler

Damon and Stefan take me home and were telling me about what was actually happening.

Once we reached home, I said goodbye to Damon and Stefan and I go inside.

I was taking the bullets out and showering.

After a while, I hear a knock. I go to open the door.

I see that it is Stefan. I say I am fine Stefan.

Stefan says you don't have to pretend in front of me.

I say I was so scared. I really thought I was going to die. I was so afraid.

Stefan comes and hugs me and I begin to cry. He consoles me and promises me that he won't let anything happen to me.

I say thank you.

Stefan says you should sleep now.

I say I am scared that what if Uncle Mason comes here to attack me?

Stefan says you sleep and I will be on guard.

I say be careful, just don't let my mom find out that you stayed in my room.

Stefan says don't worry she won't find out.

After that I sleep peacefully.

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