Season 1: Part 10

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Next day

We had our introduction to the judges done which was very important because here we tell them about the contributions to the community and who we truly are.

Then it was walking down the stairs and being escorted and doing the traditional dance. Lastly, it's a question answer round.

We were all getting ready for the pageant at the backstage. I was missing my mom as she wasn't here to see me competing in the Miss Mystic Falls pageant as she was busy with work. I see Elena with her aunt but then I remember Tina and we start talking to each other and we started helping each other out as we were all alone.

We were waiting upstairs for our names to be announced. It was just Elena and I remaining. I see Jeremy and Damon both waiting for Elena and I ask her where is Stefan?

Elena says she doesn't know. I can't do this I thought I could but I can't.

I say you cannot back off now. It's too late for that. It might just be a pageant for you but it's more than that, It's a tradition. So stop being a spoilt brat and wishing for things to always go your way. Because that doesn't happen in real life.

Elena looks offended but goes down when her name is called and Damon escorts her.

I am also called and I am escorted by James Napier.

I walk down the stairs and escorted to the dance floor for traditional dance.

After that there was a question answer round. All of us got the question what would you do if your best friend is feeling insecure?

After all the contestants, it was Elena's turn and she answered that she would tell her friend to get over her insecurities so that it doesn't put a strain on their friendship.

I immediately knew that she was thinking of me while answering the question.

I answered that I would tell her to stand up for herself and voice what she is feeling to the people who are making her feel less and insecure. If they still don't understand or dismisses her without trying to understand her perspective, then they were never her true friend. It is very important to stand up for yourself because if you won't then who would.

Lastly, you true friend would accept you just the way you are, who you truly are including all the imperfections and flaws you have. They would never make you feel less or insecure of yourself. Stand up to those friends even if it makes you alone for sometime. It's better to be alone than surrounding yourself with people who makes you feel insecure. Thank you.

We all left the stage while judges were marking us.

After a few minutes, we were called up on stage again by Mayor Lockwood.

While standing I realised that Amber was missing. I asked Elena and Tina about her but neither of them knew where she was. I told them she went to freshen up but hasn't returned.

I got worried for her and I could hear things in my head. Tina noticed this and hold my hand to keep me calm. I recently told her about my mental illness. She was mad that I didn't tell her before and angry at herself for not seeing it on her own. We both cried and talked. After talking to her I felt really good. She didn't judge me at all for this.

Mayor Lockwood announced the 2nd runner up Natasha Benjamin. He made her wear the sasha dn crown.

We all clapped.

1st runner up Tina Gellar

I was so happy for her. We hugged each other. She went on to wear the sash and crown.

The winner of Miss Mystic falls pageant is Caroline Forbes

I was on cloud nine and couldn't believe it that I won. I was so scared especially after the answer I gave. Tina hugged me and I completely ignored Elena.

I went on to wear the sash and crown.

This was one of my dreams to be Miss Mystic as except my mother every Forbes woman has been Miss Mystic.

I went with Tina to look for Bonnie. When we found her she looked pretty mad. We asked her if she would like to come with us. She said she would like to go home now. She congratulates us both for winning the pageant and being the 1st runner up.

I dropped Tina to the orphanage and went to my empty house as usual but for a change I was happy. I was smiling and there were happy tears in my eyes.

I slept dreaming about the court and the event we would be having in a few days time.

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