Season 2: Part 3

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At the School Carnival

Damon was walking the school hallway and nobody was there. I approach him and say Damon, I remember

Damon says what do you remember?

I say I remember how you manipulated me, used me, pushed me around, abused me, fed on me

Damon says you are crazy

I say My memories came back in pieces.

Damon says you can't remember, it's impossible, unless you are becoming a

I say vampire

Damon looks shocked and say you are a vampire

I say took you long enough to figure that out.

Damon says how can you be a vampire? You walk in the sun. How did you get a daylight ring?

I say questions questions questions Damon. Now is not the time for that. I would say watch your back Damon. Because I am being vengeful for your blood.

Damon says you can't do a thing to me. I am older than you, hence stronger than you.

I say but I am angrier and push him on the ground and vamp up to him and snap his neck before he could get up.

I take him to my family's cellar.

I tie him on the chair with ropes laced with vervain and I took his daylight ring.

I wait for the sun to rise in the sky till then I kept on snapping Damon's neck.

Next day

I torture Damon by exposing him to the sunlight. His flesh burns as I had taken his daylight ring. Damon screams.

I say this is nothing in front of what you did to me. You used me for your own benefit. And I am going to make you pay for it.

Damon says how did you become a vampire? And how did you get a daylight ring?

I say I will not tell you. I stab him with wooden stake.

Damon groans

Damon says what do you want from me?

I say I want to torture and then kill you for what you did with me.

Damon says you can't kill me

I say wanna bet?

Damon says It's not in you to kill me. You are too weak.

I say you underestimate me Damon. I can kill you and I will. Be ready to die. I stab him close enough to the heart but as I was about to push the stake in Stefan came with Elena and Bonnie and threw me away.

I get up and see Stefan taking the stake out from Damon's body and Elena untying the ropes laced with vervain.

I say Oh no, Damon has to die, I will kill him. I vamp up to where Stefan threw the stake and stab Damon again. I missed his heart though but I was very close.

Stefan vamps up to me begins to fight me

We were having an intense battle that suddenly my head began to explode and I see Stefan is in pain too.

I and Stefan Look up to Bonnie and Stefan says Bonnie stop it.

Elena makes Bonnie stop giving us aneurysm.

Elena says Bonnie, stop it. You are hurting Stefan and Caroline.

Bonnie says Caroline is a vampire Elena. I can't just stand silently.

I say you can be friends with Elena who is involved with two Salvatore brothers who are vampires but you can't stand the fact that your supposed friend is a vampire. That's hypocrite of you Bonnie.

Bonnie says how did you become a vampire?

I say I refuse to answer that. I have to kill Damon

I vamp to Damon to push the stake into his heart but Stefan stands in front of him.

Stefan says Caroline, please don't kill him. He is my brother.

I say what would you do if I don't stop, Kill me like you killed Vickie? Oh yes I read Elena's journal. I had Aunt Jenna give me a copy of Elena's journal.

Stefan says I know what Damon did to you was wrong but be better than him. Be the bigger person.

I say he compelled me to think that he was my boyfriend. I had to kiss him, hold him, be with him, be his chew toy, It was all disgusting. You are only saying this because you wanted to protect your brother. But it's not going to work. He deserves to die so that he doesn't do anything like this with someone else.

Stefan says I am begging you Caroline please don't.

Elena says Caroline this isn't you. You are not this person so please don't be this person.

I say why are you still saving your brother Stefan, from what I gathered from Elena's journal, Damon has made your life miserable, killed your best friend on your birthday

Stefan says because he is my brother. I can't give up on him. Would you give up on someone you love, or is your family?

I say I say I would fight the world for them but if they do anything wrong, I would teach them a lesson too. And Damon doesn't get a free pass just because he is your brother. Actions have consequences. One has to pay the consequence of one's actions in the same lifetime.

Stefan says Please Caroline don't.

I say I am sorry Stefan but Damon has hurt me real bad. And I want him to suffer.

I vamp behind Stefan and take the stake out from Damon's body and stake him in the stomach.

Stefan says Caroline?

I say just because I didn't kill him doesn't mean that I forgive him. Take him before I change my mind Stefan. Take him and go. And take Elena and Bonnie with you. I have nothing to say to them.

Stefan says thank you Caroline for not killing my brother.

I say I didn't do it for you. I just did it because it was his blood that I had in my system when I became a vampire. You should go now.

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