Season 1: Part 3

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Later on

At my house

I was at home doing home work and eating all alone. Suddenly Damon appeared in my room and I got scared and said what are you doing here?

Damon says get dressed we are going to Elena's.

I say why?

Damon says She has planned a dinner with Stefan and Bonnie and I want to be there to ruin things for Stefan.

I felt hurt that Elena and Bonnie didn't invite me. They do this to me all the time and when I voice that they make me feel bad about myself.

I wanted to cry.

I say they didn't invite me and I am not going over there as an intruder.

Damon gets angry and compels me you would go to Elena's house with me now.

I repeated what he said and I started to get ready to go at Elena's house.

At Gilbert House

I ring the bell, Elena opened the door and gets shocked to see me standing over there.

Stefan comes behind Elena and he doesn't look happy to see us.

I say Damon told me about the dinner and how he wanted to join and get to know Stefan's friends. So I brought him here. I hope you don't mind.

Stefan was hesitant, he didn't want Damon anywhere near Elena.

But Elena invited Damon in and he enters the house while complimenting Elena for the house.

I was standing outside as I didn't receive an invite. How rude Elena.

Stefan was being a gentleman to ask me about joining the dinner.

I say I said I should probably take leave now and I know where I am not wanted, if I was wanted here then I would have received an invite.

I say this to make Elena and Bonnie feel bad and guilty but they seemed annoyed. Hello, I should be the one who should be feeling annoyed for having such pathetic excuse of friends.

Damon says stop being a drama queen and come on in.

He did the eye thing which feels like he is compelling me and I couldn't resist it. I really tried hard.

I was talking to Stefan that Tyler must be seething that you got in.

I spoke that Elena is going through a phase and that she was much more fun before her parents died. Which kinda was true not need to feel sentimental about it but it's Elena so we have to extra careful of what we speak otherwise be ready to become the bad person in everyone's eyes.

Elena left to do the dishes and Damon followed her. Bonnie had went to do a phone call.

It was just Stefan and I.

Stefan asked about my scarf?

I say yeah it's new.

Stefan says can I see it? Do you mind taking it off?

I wanted to show him the bite marks but something was stopping me. I think Stefan noticed something was wrong as he asked me the same.

I just say that I can't take it off.

Damon returns and he compels me to go see if Elena needs any help with the dishes.

I felt like beating him but I couldn't do anything. I became his puppet, his little slave girl.

After that we leave and I went to my home and was finally free of him for sometime.

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