Part - 2

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Kim Mansion
Tae is exceptionally disciplined, rising at 5 a.m. without fail to hit the gym, emphasizing his commitment to his routine. He values punctuality so much that he'd rather skip breakfast than be late, showcasing his dedication to his schedule. Despite working late into the night, he still manages to prioritize his early morning gym session, highlighting his strong work ethic.
Kim's insistence on everyone eating breakfast and dinner together underscores the importance of family unity and shared meals in their household. The scene where everyone, including the maids, contributes to setting the table demonstrates a sense of communal responsibility and togetherness.

The maids lay out breakfast on the dining table, and all the members gather, taking their respective seats to have breakfast.

Junwoo: Mornin', Tae-tae

Taehyung: Hi, Junwoo! You're so happy today.

Junwoo: 'Cause food's here! Did you see yummy stuff?

Taehyung: Yeah, it looks really yummy.

Namjoon: (interrupting gently) Hey, buddy, 'member our rule? No talkin' while eatin', okay?

Junwoo: Oopsie, sowwy, Daddy. Got too 'cited.

Namjoon: It's okay, sweetie. Let's eat quietly now, alright?

Junwoo: 'Kay, Daddy. Fank you!

After a while Mrs kim spoke

Mrs. Kim: Taehyung, it's been a month since your engagement. When do you plan to get married?

Taehyung:  Please, mom, I really don't want to discuss this right now.

In Taehyung's tone, there's a clear sense of irritation and frustration, indicating that this topic is causing him some discomfort or stress.

Mrs. Kim: Why are you avoiding this conversation? Jennie's father keeps calling me repeatedly! (She says, clearly annoyed by the situation.)

Taehyung: What am I supposed to do about it? I have no interest in getting married. (He responds, expressing his frustration and disinterest in the matter.)

Mrs. Kim: How dare you speak like this? Your engagement has already taken place, and now it's time for you to get married. You don't have any choice in this matter...

Taehyung: (interrupts) But you never even gave me a choice. You forced me into an engagement with that insane girl. How much money did Jennie's dad offer you?
(He says with a smirk, insinuating that Mrs. Kim was motivated by financial gain.)

Namjoon: (interrupting both) Please, both of you, calm down and have breakfast peacefully. Dad, why don't you say something to mom?

Mr. Kim: Your mom never listens to me anyway. (He says with a sad chuckle.)

Taehyung: (hurriedly eating his breakfast, a sense of urgency in his actions) I need to get to the office. (His tone carries a hint of frustration, reflecting his desire to escape the lack of peace in his home.)

Leaving the dining room, his driver opens the gate for him.
After 20 mins he reached the company.When he gets to the office, everyone says good morning, but he doesn't really answer. He heads straight to his office, asking his secretary to bring him coffee.In his office, he feels a bit better, away from the problems at home. Even though people are nice to him at work, he still feels troubled by what's happening in his personal life.

Jennie: (bursts into the room without knocking, her voice raised in agitation) "What's going on here? Why is nobody answering my calls?"

Taehyung: (calmly but with a hint of frustration) "Jennie, please leave."

Jennie: (ignoring Taehyung's request, her voice rising with anger) "How dare you all decide to drop me from the Calvin Klein project? Do you even realize how much loss the company will incur if I don't do this photoshoot? And the director was saying that it's Mr. Kim's order to change the model for Calvin Klein. Is this true?" (Her words are laced with indignation and frustration, reflecting her disbelief and anger at the situation.)

Taehyung: (maintaining his composure, but his patience wearing thin) "Jennie, calm down. We'll discuss this matter later. Right now, please leave my office." (His tone is firm, indicating his desire to resolve the issue but also his need for Jennie to leave.)

Taehyung: (struggling to maintain his composure, but feeling his patience wearing thin) "Jennie, please, I've asked you to leave."

Jennie: (ignoring Taehyung's request, her voice becoming increasingly agitated) "You can't just brush me off like this! I deserve to know what's going on!"

Taehyung: (his frustration boiling over, his voice rising sharply) "I've had it with your behavior! Get out of my office immediately!"

Jennie becomes fearful upon seeing Taehyung's anger.

Taehyung looks really mad, with his face all scrunched up and his eyes looking fierce. He speaks in a loud, stern voice, showing that he's really upset and annoyed.

Jennie, sensing Taehyung's anger, hurriedly exits the room. After a short while, there's a knock at the door, which further annoys Taehyung. Irritated by the interruption, he impatiently calls out for the person to enter the room.

Taehyung: "Come in." (He says irritably, his frustration is evident in his voice.)

As Jungkook enters the room, Taehyung's entire disposition undergoes a transformation. The tension in his shoulders eases, and his expression softens, revealing a warm, affectionate gaze. In that moment, any trace of anger or irritation evaporates, replaced by a sense of calm and contentment at the sight of Jungkook.

Jungkook: Good morning, sir. Actually, Namjoon sir asked me to meet you before heading to the shoot.

Taehyung: "Yes, you need to sign some documents regarding this Calvin Klein photoshoot." (He says coldly)

Jungkook: nods in acknowledgment

Taehyung: (watching Jungkook intently as he reads through the papers, a softness in his gaze that Jungkook can feel, even though he doesn't look up)

Jungkook: (feeling Taehyung's eyes on him, he reads through the papers carefully, his heart racing at the thought of being watched by Taehyung)

Taehyung: (as Jungkook finishes reading and prepares to sign, Taehyung's gaze softens even more, filled with admiration and affection for Jungkook)

Jungkook: (finally signing the papers, he looks up to meet Taehyung's eyes, feeling a rush of warmth and connection between them)

Taehyung: "Now you can go to the shoot."

Jungkook - okh sir said with his famous bunny smile..

To be continued.....

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