Part -16

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Pov That night with Namjin

Junwoo was fast asleep, oblivious to the quiet tension in the room.

Jin sat at the dressing table, methodically removing his makeup while his mind churned with thoughts.

His movements were slow, almost mechanical, as he replayed the day's events in his head.

Namjoon emerged from the bathroom, freshly showered and dressed in his night suit. He placed his towel on the chair and glanced over at Jin, noticing the troubled expression on his face.

Jin, what's wrong? What are you thinking about? Namjoon asked, his brows furrowing in concern.Startled, Jin looked up at Namjoon.

When did you come out of the bathroom? he asked, clearly distracted.

Namjoon sighed, moving closer. I came out while you were lost in thought. Now tell me, what's on your mind?

Jin sighed deeply, placing the makeup remover aside. I was thinking about Taehyung. He got married today, but now he's stuck between Jungkook and Jennie.

Namjoon's face tightened with irritation. He couldn't understand why Jin was so worried about Taehyung. Jin, you don't need to worry about him. It's his fault. If he hadn't gotten Jungkook pregnant, none of this would have happened. If you must worry about someone, worry about Jennie. The poor girl just got married and soon she found out that her husband is having a baby with someone else.

Jin's voice rose in defense. Namjoon, you're misunderstanding Taehyung. He's not like that. He doesn't get physical with anyone, and he doesn't even let Jennie touch him. I'm not ready to believe that Taehyung touched anyone. I think Jungkook is lying. I don't understand why Taehyung thinks this baby is his. Who knows how many people Jungkook has slept with?

Namjoon, angered by Jin's defense of Taehyung, snapped back. Why are you raising your voice at me because of Taehyung? Let me tell you something, Jin. In this house, neither you, nor I, nor Yoongi, nor his husband matter. If anyone matters, it's only Taehyung. If I had made the same mistake, my mom would have kicked me out of the house by now. And who are you to question Jungkook's character? As much as I know him, he's not like that. I know the fault lies with Taehyung. Didn't you see how he accepted that the baby is his?

Jin, in disbelief, replied, Namjoon, you should trust your brother, not outsiders. How much do you even know Jungkook? Taehyung has been with you since childhood, yet you're taking Jungkook's side. How can you be so jealous, Namjoon? You can't even support your own brother.

Namjoon's eyes widened at Jin's statement, turning glossy with hurt. Wow, Jin. In your attempt to support Taehyung, you're saying such hurtful things to me. Jealousy, seriously?

Jin's eyes widened in realization of what he had just said. Panicking, he stammered, Namjoon, that's not what I meant.

Namjoon said nothing, lying down beside their son and closing his eyes, his silence heavy with pain.

Tears welled up in Jin's eyes, realizing that in the turmoil of defending others, he had ended up fighting with his own husband. The room fell into an uneasy silence, filled only with the sound of Junwoo's soft breathing.

Meanwhile, in another room of the house, Yoongi was sitting on the bed with his back resting against the headboard, working on his laptop.

At that moment, Jimin came out of the bathroom, looking pale and exhausted from vomiting. He tiredly sat down on the bed.

Yoongi glanced at him and said, Keep eating all that junk food, Jimin.

Jimin, still feeling weak, replied, Please, Yoongi, I don't have the strength to listen to your lecture right now. Can you bring me something to eat? I'm craving pizza.

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