Part - 20

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Taehyung and Jungkook enter the room, with Taehyung plopping down on the bed and looking at Jungkook, who remains standing and looking awkward.

Taehyung raises an eyebrow and grins, What's wrong? Aren't you happy that you've finally become Mrs. Taehyung?

Jungkook's eyes start to fill with tears, and he tries to speak, I-I- ca- I, but he can't get the words out and begins to hiccup.

Taehyung's eyes widen, and he quickly rushes over, patting Jungkook's back in a rather dramatic fashion. Breathe, Jungkook, breathe, he says, almost like he's coaching him through labor.

Suddenly, Jungkook hugs Taehyung tightly, almost knocking the wind out of him, and cries on his chest, saying, Thank you, thank you so much for taking my side. Taehyung, slightly taken aback, awkwardly pats Jungkook's back while trying to keep his balance.

Taehyung mumbles into Jungkook's ear, If I don't take your side, then whose side will I take? Now that you have become Mrs. Taehyung and  carrying my child, why wouldn't I support you?

Jungkook suddenly pulls back, looking at Taehyung with a pout. Oh, so all this care is just for the baby?

Taehyung smirks and says, Yes, only for the baby. Why? Did you think I would care for you?

He raises an eyebrow and tries to look serious, but there's a playful glint in his eyes.

Jungkook, with his bunny smile and tears still in his eyes, says, Yes, I knew. He tries to keep a straight face but ends up giggling.

Come on, now sit down, Taehyung says, guiding Jungkook to the bed and then rushing off to get some water.

He returns, carrying the glass like it's a precious artifact, and hands it to Jungkook with an exaggerated flourish. Here you go, my dear Mrs. Taehyung.

Jungkook takes the glass, rolling his eyes but smiling. Thanks, Mr. Taehyung.

Taehyung sits beside him, chuckling. Anytime. Just remember, it's all for the baby. He winks, and they both burst out laughing.

As they sit together, Jungkook suddenly turns serious and says, Taehyung, on a serious note, no one here likes me. How will I stay here? I'm scared that the way they hate me, they might do something to our baby.Tears fill his eyes as he speaks.

Taehyung looks at him with a stoic expression. Jungkook, I'm here, right? I won't let anything happen to you or my baby. If it's so difficult, we can leave this place.

Jungkook quickly replies, No, we can't just leave. I don't want to cause a fight between you and your family. I don't want you to stay away from them because of me.

Taehyung rolls his eyes, knowing that if he doesn't do something, Jungkook will keep talking.

Suddenly, Taehyung pulls Jungkook towards him, grabbing his waist.

Jungkook's eyes widen in surprise as he looks at Taehyung, who is gazing intently back at him.

Taehyung whispers, Our wedding isn't complete yet.

Jungkook frowns, confused. What do you mean?

Taehyung smirks and finishes his sentence, A wedding isn't complete without a kiss. Jungkook's cheeks turn bright red at this.What are you saying, Taehyung? What kiss? Forget about the kiss, I want to sleep, Jungkook whines, trying to change the subject.

Taehyung, maintaining his cold demeanor, responds, Oh come on, just one little kiss. You can't deny your husband that, can you?
Jungkook is trying to escape from Taehyung's grasp, Jungkook says, Let me go, I want to sleep, and wriggles in Taehyung's arms.

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