Part - 17

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It’s 4:30 in the morning. Jungkook and Taehyung are sleeping beside each other, their breathing steady and slow.

The room is quiet, save for the occasional rustle of blankets. The soft light of the early morning begins to filter through the curtains, casting a serene glow over the two.

Suddenly, Jungkook stirs. His eyes snap open, and he feels a wave of nausea hit him. His stomach churns violently, and he knows he needs to get to the bathroom fast. Without thinking, he throws off the covers and scrambles out of bed, his movements frantic. Clutching his mouth to stifle the urge to vomit, he rushes to the bathroom.The sound of retching echoes in the small space as Jungkook leans over the sink, vomiting violently. His body shakes with each heave, and he grips the edge of the sink for support. The minutes stretch on, feeling like an eternity as he continues to throw up. Finally, after what seems like forever, the nausea begins to subside.

Exhausted and weak, Jungkook rinses his mouth and splashes cold water on his face. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to steady himself. When he feels a bit more composed, he heads back to the bedroom.

Taehyung is still sleeping, completely unaware of the turmoil Jungkook just went through. The sight of Taehyung sleeping so soundly while he suffered alone ignites a spark of anger in Jungkook.

He stands there for a moment, glaring at Taehyung’s peaceful face. Look how he’s sleeping like a horse, Jungkook mutters to himself. Because of his child, my sleep is ruined. Jungkook can't stand seeing Taehyung so peacefully. Driven by a mix of frustration and lingering discomfort, he stomps over to the bed and lies down beside Taehyung.

Without thinking, he uses all his strength to shove Taehyung. The force of the push sends Taehyung tumbling off the bed with a loud thud.

Taehyung groans in pain as he hits the floor. Disoriented and still half-asleep, he opens his eyes to find himself on the cold, hard ground. Blinking in confusion, he looks up and sees Jungkook lying on the bed, his eyes closed. Anger flares within him. Jungkook, what is this rudeness?  he demands, his voice thick with irritation.

Jungkook opens his eyes, his expression unbothered. Your child ruined my sleep, Do you know how much I threw up? he says coldly. So why should I let the child's father sleep peacefully?

Taehyung glares at Jungkook, his eyes blazing with anger. He stands up, rubbing his sore back. You’re unbelievable, Jungkook, he mutters under his breath, shaking his head in disbelief. 

Despite his anger, Taehyung can’t ignore the fact that Jungkook looks pale and exhausted. Concern starts to creep in, but it’s directed more towards the well-being of his unborn child. He walks over to the bathroom to check on the mess Jungkook left behind.

Seeing the state of the sink, he grimaces but starts cleaning up without complaint. As he scrubs the sink, his anger begins to dissipate, replaced by practical concern for the baby.

Once the bathroom is clean, Taehyung returns to the bedroom. He sees Jungkook lying still on the bed, eyes tightly shut. With a sigh, Taehyung sits on the edge of the bed, staring at Jungkook's face.

The moonlight filtering through the curtains casts a soft glow, highlighting the tired lines on Jungkook’s face."Hey, Jungkook," Taehyung says softly, gently poking him in the side.

Are you okay? Do you need anything?"Jungkook cracks one eye open, glancing at Taehyung. The anger in his eyes fades when he sees the concern on Taehyung’s face. "I'm sorry, Sir," he murmurs, voice hoarse. I didn’t mean to push you. I just felt so awful.

Taehyung sighs deeply, his frustration ebbing away. It’s okay. Next time, just wake me up, alright? We’ll get through this. Jungkook nods, feeling a wave of gratitude. Thanks. With the tension easing, Taehyung lies down beside Jungkook, keeping a respectful distance but staying close enough to monitor him. Now, try to get some rest, he says, his voice firm but not unkind. We’ll deal with everything else in the morning. Jungkook closes his eyes, not exactly comforted by Taehyung’s presence but feeling slightly relieved that he isn't alone.

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