Part - 4

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Comments ...

Jennieeeequeen - Who is this? Wasn't Jennie supposed to do the Calvin Klein photoshoot? Where did this guy come from?"

Sojoke - Oh wow, who is this handsome guy?"

Kthbesttt - Wow, for the first time, the company chose a proper model. I mean, look at this guy, wow!

Xoxox - Wow, literally this guy is amazing! I mean, his style is incredible, and he looks so cute and sexy. I'm definitely going to follow him now."

PrincessJennieeeee - yuck! He looks so bad. No one matches Jennie. I don't know where they found this guy, such a bitch."

Jennieslayyy - I'm just wondering why Kim Taehyung did this to his fiancée. I mean, everyone knew Jennie was supposed to do this photoshoot, so why did they change it suddenly?"

Yeonjun ✓- Wowwww, look at this model! I mean, his features are perfect.

Soojin - I can't believe this is his debut in the modeling world.

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Jungkook reads the comments and feels happy that people like his work, but also feels sad because they are comparing him to Jennie. Jungkook hates comparisons he then thinks "It's great that people are appreciating my work, but why do they have to compare me to Jennie? I wish they could just see me for who I am without these comparisons. I hate being compared. It's so frustrating and unfair.

Next Day....

Director walks into Taehyung's office with a happy expression
Director knocks on Taehyung's office door
Taehyung in a cold voice - Come in. What is it?"
The director enters with a happy expression: "Taehyung, look at this! People are loving Jungkook's photoshoot. I mean, just look at the craze! It was such a good decision to give Jungkook this opportunity instead of Jennie."

As Taehyung observes the director's presentation, his outward expression remains neutral. However, beneath the surface, a sense of satisfaction and pride fills him. He understands the significance of Jungkook's success for the company. Internally, he feels a surge of joy, knowing that this decision has brought such positive attention and acclaim to the company. It's a silent victory for Taehyung, a validation of his choices and leadership. Despite his composed demeanor, Taehyung's heart swells with pride and accomplishment.

Taehyung After a brief pause, Taehyung breaks the silence with a decisive tone, acknowledging Jungkook's remarkable success. "Yes, he has truly excelled. It's only fitting that we commemorate this milestone with a celebration. Jungkook's dedication and talent deserve recognition, and what better way to show our appreciation than by hosting a party in his honor?"With a sense of satisfaction and admiration for Jungkook's achievements, Taehyung proposes the idea of organizing a party to celebrate and applaud Jungkook's contributions to the company.

Director Responding positively to Taehyung's suggestion, That's a fantastic idea! So, when do you think we should schedule the party?

Taehyung Pausing for a moment to consider,Let's plan it for next Saturday.

Taehyung carefully weighs the options before proposing the date, ensuring it allows for adequate preparation time and maximum attendance. His decision reflects his thoughtful leadership style and commitment to honoring Jungkook's achievements in a timely manner.

As everyone in the office gets excited about the party, some folks start feeling a bit jealous of Jungkook. They're happy for the party and free food, but seeing Jungkook get so much attention makes them feel a bit down. They wonder why they haven't had the same success, even after working hard for a long time. Seeing Jungkook impress Taehyung and Taehyung just adds to their envy. So, while most people are pumped for the party, some are feeling a little green-eyed about Jungkook's success.

Jennie is at her home when she receives a call from her assistant, who informs her about Jungkook's success and the upcoming party. Enraged, Jennie abruptly ends the call, throwing her phone down in frustration. She then proceeds to wreak havoc in her room, smashing objects as she seethes with anger. Through gritted teeth, she mutters, Jungkook, you won't get away with this. He's trying to take my place, not just in modeling but also in Taehyung's life," she says with a smirk, a fierce determination burning in her eyes.

At night, Taehyung arrives home a bit late and finds everyone seated at the dining table, ready to eat. When Mrs. Kim notices Taehyung, she snaps in anger, sarcastically remarking, "Was it really necessary to come home so late?" Jin intervenes, calmly addressing his mother in law, "Mom, he just got back from the office. Please calm down a bit." Then, Jin turns to Taehyung and suggests, "You go freshen up and join us for dinner later." Throughout this scene, Taehyung observes everything with cold eyes. Upon hearing Jin's words, he quietly retreats to his room to freshen up.

After some time, Taehyung comes downstairs after freshening up. He looks tired but sits down to have dinner. His mind seems far away as he starts to eat.

Mrs. Kim, seeing a chance, says, "Tomorrow, Jennie and her dad are coming to set your wedding date.

Taehyung freezes. His fork stops in mid-air, and his face pales. His eyes show a storm of emotions as he slowly puts down his fork."Mom, I don't want to marry Jennie. Why don't you understand?" His voice is tight, filled with frustration and desperation.

Mrs. Kim, firm and unyielding, replies, I don't want to hear anything. You will not go to the office tomorrow. Her tone leaves no room for argument.

Taehyung's composure breaks. He slams his fist on the table, rattling the dishes. "Why can't you understand? I don't want this! His voice is loud and full of anger and pleading.

Mrs. Kim ignores his outburst, saying with a warning tone, I don't care what you want. You will be here tomorrow.

In a burst of rage, Taehyung throws his plate across the room. The plate shatters loudly. Everyone at the table jumps, shocked and scared.

Taehyung stands, his shoulders heaving with anger.I don't want to marry anyone! he yells, his voice echoing in the silent room. "I don't want to ruin my life like Dad did!

Mr. Kim, equally angry but surprised by Taehyung's intensity, stands up. Taehyung, is this how you talk to your mother?" His voice is stern, but there's concern in his eyes. Please, Dad, not today," Taehyung pleads, his voice breaking, his eyes shiny with tears. And Mom, you only care about money. You're trying to marry me off to someone who doesn't care about me, only my money. Such a gold digger.

His words hang heavy in the air, full of pain and resentment. The room is silent, tension thick. Mrs. Kim looks shocked, not expecting such a strong reaction. Mr. Kim seems at a loss, his stern look fading.

When Taehyung storms off to his room in anger, the room is filled with heavy silence.

Mr. Kim, feeling both angry and worried, stands up from his seat quickly. He looks frustrated and upset, his face tight with emotions he's trying to control.

MAID he shouts, his voice loud and sharp, cutting through the silence.

The maid hurries in, her expression showing a mix of nervousness and readiness to help. "Yes, sir?" she asks, standing at attention.

Mr. Kim, still trying to calm his anger, says, Bring my dinner to my room.

Yes, sir, the maid replies, quickly moving to follow his orders.

Mr. Kim takes a deep breath, trying to regain his composure. He walks to his room, his steps heavy with frustration and concern. The argument with Taehyung has clearly affected him, and he needs some time alone to think.Once in his room, Mr. Kim sits down, rubbing his temples as if trying to ease a headache. He's upset about the fight and worried about Taehyung's strong reaction. The weight of the situation hangs heavily on his shoulders as he waits for his dinner, lost in his troubled thoughts.

To be continued....

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