Part - 5

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Next Morning At kim Mansion

In the morning, everyone gathers at the dining table for breakfast, including Taehyung.

Mrs. Kim, sounding serious, tells Jin and Jimin that Jennie and her parents are coming today, so everything needs to be perfect.

Jin tries to calm her down. "Mom, don’t worry. We’ll handle everything," he says. But Jimin, annoyed, cuts him off.

What do you mean 'we both will handle everything'? I’m pregnant, so I’m not doing anything," he snaps.Jin glares at Jimin, hoping he would at least stay quiet in front of Mrs. Kim

Jimin notices Jin glaring at him and feels his annoyance bubble over. "What’s your problem? Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not doing anything," he snaps, his voice sharp and defensive.

Before Jin can respond, Yoongi's patience snaps. He shouts angrily, Jimin, what is this behavior? How dare you talk to Jin hyung like that and disrespect my mom? For your information, you’re only one month pregnant. Jin hyung worked for nine months while pregnant, and you’re making excuses!

Jimin, stunned and hurt by Yoongi's harsh words, looks at him with tear-filled eyes. The room falls silent as Jimin, feeling both ashamed and overwhelmed, quietly retreats to his room.

The sound of his footsteps fading away leaves a heavy silence in the room.

Mrs. Kim, having witnessed the entire exchange, turns to Yoongi with a mix of frustration and disappointment. "Do you see, Yoongi? This is the respect Jimin has for you. You better control him, she says sternly, before walking away, leaving Yoongi standing there, a mix of anger and guilt swirling inside him.

The household, once buzzing with morning energy, now feels tense and uneasy, the echoes of the confrontation lingering in the air.

After Mrs. Kim leaves, Mr. Kim follows, leaving an uncomfortable silence in their wake.

Jin turns to Yoongi, seeing the turmoil in his eyes. With a gentle tone, he says, "Yoongi, you shouldn’t have scolded Jimin like that. You’ve only been married for six months, and on top of that, he’s pregnant. He hasn’t had to do any work yet because there was never a need. Now, with Mom suddenly asking him to take on tasks, he’s feeling overwhelmed. Plus, the mood swings from the pregnancy—these are things you need to understand," Jin explains, his voice filled with compassion.

Yoongi listens, the guilt growing stronger with each word. He hadn’t considered how Jimin might be feeling, and Jin’s words make him realize his mistake. His shoulders slump under the weight of his actions.

Namjoon steps forward, placing a comforting hand on Yoongi’s shoulder. "Don’t worry, buddy. Everything will be fine," Namjoon says, his voice steady and reassuring. He tries to lift Yoongi’s spirits, offering a sense of support and camaraderie.Just as Yoongi is about to go and apologize to Jimin,

Taehyung suddenly speaks up. "This is why I don’t want to get married," he blurted out, his voice tinged with frustration.

Then, without waiting for a response, he walks away, leaving Jin, Yoongi, and Namjoon standing there, stunned.They exchange confused glances, trying to grasp the meaning behind Taehyung’s outburst.

The air is thick with unresolved emotions, from Yoongi’s guilt and regret to Taehyung’s unexpected declaration. The household, once bustling with morning energy, now feels tense and uncertain, each of them left to ponder their own thoughts and feelings.

Yoongi walks into his room, his heart heavy with regret. He sees Jimin sitting on the bed, tears streaming down his face. The sight pierces Yoongi, filling him with a deep sense of guilt. He approaches slowly, his voice soft and filled with remorse.

Jimin, I am really sorry. I shouldn’t have spoken to you like that. I should have understood, but when you talked to Mom and Jin hyung like that, I lost control.

Jimin looks up, his eyes red and swollen from crying, anger mixing with his tears. "You should have understood me, Yoongi. We’ve only been married for six months—just six months! And now I’m pregnant. Instead of taking care of me, you’re making me work. You didn’t even take me on a honeymoon. Since we got married, I’ve been stuck at home. Have you seen my friends' husbands? They take them out every month, but you. His voice breaks, a mixture of frustration and sadness.

Yoongi feels a profound guilt hearing Jimin’s words. He steps closer, wrapping his arms around Jimin, holding him tightly.

Please, baby, forgive me, he whispers, his voice cracking. "I promise I will try to fulfill all my duties properly.

Jimin looks into Yoongi’s eyes, seeing the sincerity and regret. After a moment of silent contemplation, he finally says, Alright, but this better be the last time.Relieved, Yoongi nods earnestly. It will be, I promise. Then, trying to ease the tension, he adds, Baby, please go to the kitchen and help Jin hyung.

Jimin’s expression shifts, his eyes narrowing as he glares at Yoongi. He lightly pushes him and snaps,

Oh, now I understand why you’re saying all this." Anger flares up again as he stands up and storms out of the room, heading to the kitchen to help Jin. Yoongi is left standing there, the weight of his guilt still heavy on his shoulders, realizing how deeply he had hurt Jimin. The air is thick with unresolved emotions, as Yoongi watches Jimin walk away, hoping he can make things right in the future.

Jimin steps into the kitchen, his frustration simmering beneath the surface. He watches Jin giving instructions to the maid, feeling a surge of irritation. With a roll of his eyes and a sharp tone, Jimin rudely interrupts, What work do I have here?

Jin, taken aback by Jimin's abruptness, looks at him with concern. What are you doing here? he asks, his voice laced with worry.

Jimin responds, his tone edged with bitterness, Please, you don't need to act so innocent. As if you don't know what I'm doing in the kitchen. Jin's brow furrows in confusion as he tries to understand Jimin's sudden hostility.

Attempting to clarify, Jin says, Jimin, that's not what I meant. I was just saying that I talked to Yoongi about letting you rest, so I was wondering why you're here. But Jimin's frustration only grows as he snaps back, Your dear Yoongi told me to come to the kitchen and help Jin hyung."

Jin is surprised by this revelation and decides to address it with Yoongi . But before he can respond, Jimin cuts him off with a dismissive remark, "Oh, please, there's no need to be so saintly. Just give me some work to do . Jin sighs, feeling the weight of the tension in the room.

Despite Jimin's harsh words, Jin chooses to respond with patience and understanding. He silently instructs Jimin on tasks he can help with in the kitchen, hoping to diffuse the tension and restore some sense of peace to the household.

To be continued....

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