Part -13

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Jungkook is lying on his bed, scrolling through his phone, when he suddenly gets a shock after seeing Mr. Kim's post. The idea that Taehyung, the renowned cold-hearted CEO, would post something for him is unbelievable. Jungkook can't digest this fact and immediately calls Mr. Kim. After three or four rings, Taehyung answers with a cold hello.

Filled with excitement and disbelief, Jungkook exclaims, Mr. Kim, thank you so much for posting about me. I can't believe you did that! Before Jungkook can finish his sentence,

Taehyung interrupts, Mr. Jeon, there's no need to get overly excited. I made that post to make Jennie feel jealous.

Jungkook rolls his eyes at the mention of Jennie's name and replies in an uninterested tone, Oh, Jennie. Nice, sir. I must be such an idiot to be happy about this.

Taehyung smirks and responds, Even after throwing such a big party, still not satisfied. How greedy can you be, Mr. Jeon?

Jungkook, forcing a tight smile, says, When did I ever say I wanted a party? And yes, thank you for the party and the amazing surprise. Anyway, let's leave that aside. Did you find out anything?

Taehyung coldly replies, "No," and hangs up before Jungkook can say anything else. Jungkook, now frustrated, mutters to himself, Idiot.

It's lunchtime, and the maid knocks on Taehyung's office door.

Hearing "Come in," she enters and says, Sir, lunch is ready. Please come, everyone is waiting for you at the dining table.

Taehyung, deeply immersed in his work, simply nods. The maid bows and exits quietly.

Five minutes later, Taehyung descends the stairs and notices that everyone is already seated at the dining table.

He takes his seat and joins the others. As they begin to eat, the doorbell rings unexpectedly, causing Kim to frown in annoyance.

The maid hurries to open the door, revealing Jennie standing there. The maid bows to Jennie, but Jennie, with a big smile on her face, ignores the gesture and steps inside.

Mrs. Kim exclaims, Wow, Jennie! What a pleasant surprise. You came at the perfect time. Let's have lunch together.

Jennie, still smiling brightly, responds, Sure, mom. I need to get used to having lunch with everyone anyway, and she sits down beside Taehyung.

Taehyung, however, pays no attention to Jennie and continues eating his lunch quietly, deliberately ignoring her presence.

As the meal progresses, Mrs. Kim notices Jennie's empty plate and, with an irritated tone, addresses Jin, What am I seeing? You're only concerned with your own food. Who is going to serve Jennie?

Jin looks at Namjoon, hoping he might intervene or say something, as Mrs. Kim's scolding him in front of everyone However, Namjoon silently continues eating, offering no support, which brings tears to Jin's eyes.

Although Jennie is perfectly capable of serving herself, Jin says nothing.
Instead, he quietly serves Jennie, managing a small, strained smile despite his distress.

Mr. Kim, with a polite tone, says, Jennie, did you have some work to do?

Jennie, with a fake sad expression, suddenly appears and responds, Why, Dad, do I need to get permission before coming? I thought this was my home, and I could come anytime I wanted.

Seeing her act, Jimin rolls his eyes in disbelief.

Mrs. Kim, adopting a stern voice, intervenes, How can you ask Jennie such a question? She can come here whenever she wants. Jennie, don't take his words to heart.

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