Part - 21

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Taehyung is sitting on the bed, engrossed in his work with his head resting against the headboard and a laptop in his lap. Beside him, Jungkook is peacefully sleeping.

Today, Taehyung decided not to go to the office; after everything that had happened today, he felt he needed to be there for Jungkook.

Despite the ongoing work, his mind occasionally drifted to the events that transpired, but he focused on his tasks.

Suddenly, his phone rang, breaking the silence. It was Yoongi calling.

Taehyung answered the call with a simple Hello, and Yoongi's voice came through, sounding urgent and troubled.

Yoongi explained that a significant problem had arisen-everyone was starting to hate Jungkook.

Hearing this, Taehyung's expression darkened, his brow furrowing in concern and anger.

Yoongi continued, explaining that Jennie had posted something online, and it was garnering her a lot of sympathy while simultaneously turning people against Jungkook.

Taehyung's anger flared at this news; the thought of Jennie manipulating the situation to harm Jungkook infuriated him.

Yoongi added that the media was demanding an answer and asked Taehyung what they should do.

After a brief pause, during which Taehyung collected his thoughts, he responded firmly, Hold a conference tomorrow; I will address everyone then. He needed time to plan his response carefully, ensuring it would protect Jungkook and counter Jennie's narrative effectively.

Taehyung ended the call and turned his attention to Jungkook, who remained blissfully unaware of the turmoil outside their room. Jungkook's serene face and peaceful sleep provided Taehyung with a moment of calm amidst the chaos. With a small, tender smile, Taehyung gently stroked Jungkook's hair, vowing silently to protect him from any harm and to stand by him through this ordeal.

Taehyung was deep in thought, his mind racing with the events that happened today.

Suddenly, his phone rang, jolting him out of his reverie. He glanced at the caller ID and sighed before picking up the call. Hello?" he said.

Before he could say anything else, the voice on the other end cut him off.

Taehyung, what am I hearing? Did you really marry Jungkook without telling me anything? I mean, seriously, is this how much our friendship means to you?

Taehyung sighed deeply and replied, It's not like that, J-Hope hyung. It all happened so suddenly. There was no other option but to make it official.

J-Hope felt bad for Taehyung and, in a calmer tone, said, Tell me everything. What exactly happened?

Taehyung began to explain everything, starting from the party where it all began, to discovering Jungkook's pregnancy, and finally to the whirlwind marriage.

He recounted every detail, the confusion, the rush, the necessity of making quick decisions.

After finishing his explanation, Taehyung took a deep breath and added, Can you and Kai hyung come over and stay for a few days? Please, I can't leave Jungkook alone here with everything going on. I'm afraid Jennie or someone else might try to harm Jungkook or our baby. If I'm at the office, knowing Kai hyung is here with Jungkook will ease my mind. Otherwise, I'll constantly worry about leaving Jungkook alone.

J-Hope understood the depth of Taehyung's concern and replied, Alright, I'll ask Kai and let you know. But Mr. Kim, don't you think you're worrying a bit too much about Jungkook? Is this love I sense? he teased lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

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