8. your plan sucks

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Finally after a few hours of driving, they make it back to Hawkins.

Jonathan drops Gina off at home, her being armed with excuses for whoever greets her at the door.

Luckily for her, her father isn't home and she walks into the living room to find Billy working out with blasting rock music.

Without saying a word, she walks into her room, lays down on her bed, and almost immediately falls asleep.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina wakes up to the sound of shouting.

Groggily, she stands up, trying not to trip over her clothes strewn on the floor.

"She shouldn't need a full time babysitter," Gina hears from inside Billy's room.

She walks into the doorway of the room, catching a glimpse of her dad pushing Billy to a wall by his shirt.

Susan only notices her when she looks away as her husband hits Billy across the face.

Neil mutters something and Susan tries to interrupt. "It's okay, Neil, really—"

"No, it's not okay," he shouts, pointing a finger at Billy's face. "Nothing about his behavior is okay. But he's gonna make up for it," he says, unnervingly calm. This is always how he is before he starts to blow. Neil turns around to face Susan and Gina, although Gina fails at trying to not meet his cold, hard gaze. "He's gonna call whatever whore he's seeing tonight and cancel their date. And then he's gonna go find his sister. Like the good, kind, respecting brother that he is. Isn't that right Billy?"

Billy just stares back, Gina can tell he's fighting tears. It's rare to see him cry, but with their childhood, it's almost impossible to not have seen the other cry.

"Isn't that right?" Neil shouts, taking a step closer to Billy.

Gina feels the prick in her eyes and the lump in her throat, so that's her cue to stop watching the scene like a deer in headlights and leave. Her dad'll kill her if he finds out she's been in Illinois at a strangers house for a whole day.


Guess he noticed she was gone.

Gina turns, seeing her dad march down the hallway towards her, leading with his head that's turning a light shade of red. "What?" she says, trying to sound tough over the threatening tears.

"Where have you been?" he yells, getting closer and closer to her face. "We've been worried sick!"

Usually, when someone is worried sick about someone else, they would say it in a calm and sincere manner, but, Neil Hargrove isn't like usual fathers. Instead, he shouts it, Gina surprised there isn't steam coming out of his ears.

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