XXXVIII*** - Eight Kay

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"Attention, all students! I'm broadcasting an emergency assembly in the.. well, assembly room! It is required that every single students show up, don't miss it!
Etaz, off."

The loudspeaker roared.
That hurt my ears.
It was supposed to be a totally normal breaktime, but then this happened.
And I think I know why the principal would call the metting..
Probably reffering to... DogDay's incident.
No matter.

Since it is the last period of the day anyways.. I stuffed my books into my bag, my laptop, my pencil case, my tablet (yes I take notes by both devices), and pretty much everything that belonged to me on the desk.
Once done, I crossed the bag over my shoulders, and started to head towards the so called Auditorium.
I'm already recovering from the hit, and the bandages are getting lose as well.. So there's no reason why I shouldn't tear these off, right.?

I got into the restroom, then stood in front of the mirror.
The bandages crossed my face diagonally, whoch covered up part of my left eye.
I slowly unwrapped the silk pieces, carefully so that it wouldn't tangle or sting.
With much carefulness, I managed to remove the bandages.
Part of my face was darkned, from the blood, obviously, other than that, there was nothing else.
I smiled, feeling good to myself as I left the restroom, now heading for the assembly for real.

"Listen up everyone! I don't know what the fuck were any of you guys thinking!"
"But I recieved a report, regarding sexual abuse and harrassment."
"And a very brutal fighting scene."
"Now, the fighting is already too regular here, so we just fuck that shit"
"But I'm being honest, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS? You guys fuck with each other, and that's not enough?"
"You can't relieve your pathetic horniness, so much so that you needed to even JUMP a person, just to satisfy your dirty urges."

I haven't even entered the room yet, and there goes the principal, going full rampage up on stage. I opened the door quietly, the room was chilly and cold, full of ominous auras and mysterious feelings.
I don't like it here.
The principal up on stage is still throwing a tantrum, it's good that he takes the problem seriously, but it's getting a little chaotic in here.
I'm still at the door, not in a seat, so I might as well get out. I don't want to stay here for hours listening to him talk, besides, I'm already educated, dad taught me well.

I had just noticed that he didn't mention who got assaulted. I guess it's to keep their identities and not cause even more hassles.

I think that's everything, I sighed quietly, using my paw to push the door open carefully. I can't let them catch me.


I checked one if the clocks in the hallways, 14:30
Heck, there's still half an hour left before dismissal.
I guess I'll just go back to my classroom, or maybe.. escape.. y'know.? I don't really wanna get caught trying to escape school (yes it's still school hours).
I started to head back to my classroom, maybe I could watch some Netflix while I wait..

"Owie.. that hurt.."

What was that?
I think that was low whining, and yes.. at the corner again.. near the lockers this time.
I don't know why I was hearing that, but I gotta check it out.
I hurried towards the corner.
Lynx, what is he doing here?

Eclipse's Reunion - DogDay x CatNapWhere stories live. Discover now