Ben's last words echo loudly in my thoughts as I enter the kitchen in search of coffee. To my surprise, I find Embree standing at the counter, her back turned to me. Her soft, wavy brown locks are piled high in a messy bun, and though I adore the beautiful casual dresses she wears most days, this is the look I love seeing her in the most. She's dressed in her favorite loose-fitting joggers, adorned with butterflies and flowers that remind her of her father. The simple white t-shirt she's paired it with reveals a hint of the perfect creamy skin at her waist. For the first time in almost two weeks, my girl looks relaxed. Content.
That in mere moments I'll be pulling the rug out from under her yet again leaves me feeling so damn worthless. My job is not only to protect her from the evil of this world, but to shield her from the pain and heartache that seems to test her strength at every turn. Back when we were kids, I prided myself in knowing this girl like the back of my hand, to the point I could tell when she needed rescuing from her tendency to overthink.
It was so much easier back then, probably because the trust between us and the universe hadn't been broken. We navigated the world, confident in our belief that only good things happen to good people and that eventually we'd all get our happily ever after. Now that we know the harsh truth of how the world works, every move, every choice, feels like we're standing on the edge of a proverbial cliff. Unable to see the bottom. Not knowing what awaits at the other end of that dreaded fall—whether certain doom or the happiness you long for—paralyzes you into inaction. This is why even with all the red flags plaguing our relationship, I've yet to push her for the answers I know I deserve.
Ben was right about that, at least. I do need to man the hell up and stop handling her with kid gloves, and I will. Another day. For today I have the misfortune of bearing the news of her stepfather's betrayal, and that the man who terrorized and threatened the life of both her and the girls is back and most likely looking for her.
"Hey, sweetheart." I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her back against my chest. Planting a quick kiss on her temple, I breathe in her fresh, summery scent. "You're up early."
"I couldn't fall back to sleep. Figured I might as well start breakfast, so it's ready for the girls when they wake up." After setting her coffee mug on the counter, she turns to face me. "Everything okay with Ben?"
"Ben stopped by with some news." Determined to do this right, I take her by the hand and lead her to take a seat at the small kitchen table.
"I'm almost afraid to ask."
Taking a seat next to her, I bring her hand up to my lips and give it a gentle kiss. "The situation is under control, so it's okay if you'd rather not know."
"With my track record, I'm not sure burying my head in the sand is a good idea."
"Trusting us to handle things on your behalf isn't you burying your head in the sand. It's what we're here for. We're your team, remember? Our job is to guide and support you as we work together to find a solution. You're not alone anymore. You're surrounded by people who love you and feel honored to help shoulder your burdens. Either way, how much you know or don't know is entirely your call, sweetheart."
Glassy eyes stare back at me as she contemplates my words. "I think I'd rather know."
My brave girl.
"Agent Hunt reached out to Ben last night to inform us that Harold visited FBI offices looking to speak to the person in charge of the investigation involving you and Creed." She gasps and when she tries to pull away, I double down, cupping her hand between both of mine. "Hunt handled it so no harm done, but he needs us to make it clear to Harold he is not to ever do that again. Ben and Owen are digging into his past to find leverage we can use to force him to back down."

BROKEN COURAGE (Broken Redemption Book 3)
RomanceWhile tortured and held captive as a prisoner of war, she became my reason to keep breathing. The force that fueled my will to fight. To survive. When I woke after the rescue to discover the life I thought I was coming home to was but a figment of m...