"Stop talking about me like I'm not standing right here," I spew my anger as I reach up for the phone, which he easily hands over. "We're leaving. I'm taking the girls to the park and James is more than welcome to follow us. Regardless, this is happening."
"Emilia..." it's him. The sound of his voice is like music to my ears. A melody that starts slow and warm, but quickly escalates into death metal screams—especially once it registers that he's just called me by my real name. "You are not to leave. Not like this. It isn't safe."
"Like he cares," screams the bitter voice inside my head, still scathingly mad because he isn't here.
"Then make it safe!" Exasperated, I demand into the phone, sick and tired of their constant excuses. Why must we be the ones reduced to living like criminals? Hiding away, sacrificing our happiness while those responsible for hurting us are out there reveling in their freedom. "We're going." I clear my throat, praying it's enough to smooth out the shakiness in my voice. "I need out. They need out, and this time I won't take no for an answer."
"Emb..." It's all he gets out before I end the call.
"Move," I command with my shoulders back and chin held high in utter defiance. "You better move, James, or I swear to god...."
"Wait. Just wait." He pulses his hands in the air to calm me. "Give me a second to grab a few things we might need. Please. Five minutes. It's all I'm asking."
"Fine." I give in with a nod. "But I'm riding alone with the girls."
Before he's finished his objection, I'm already in the car, clicking the button for the automatic locks, proving I'm not messing around. Turning the car on, I send James a defiant look and signal with my hands that he better hurry. If he's shocked by my behavior, he doesn't let on. Instead, he jogs up the steps and back into the house.
While I'm sure he's in there grabbing weapons or whatever he thinks we might need, I'm not oblivious to the fact, this was an attempt to buy him more time. As we speak, he's probably on the phone, calling out the cavalry, demanding they make their way here so they can help him contain me. Unfortunately for them, I'm fed up. I won't be contained. Not by anyone, nor by my fear. I'm tired of living scared and on everyone else's terms.
"Yes, Lyssie." I do my best to smile wide as I turn to meet her forest-green eyes.
"Why is Uncle James mad at you?"
It takes all of my strength to not let my smile falter. "He's not mad at me, baby. He's just a little frustrated because we didn't plan ahead, but it's okay. He's in there now packing up his things so he can come with us." I'm relieved when they both smile up at me. Their little eyes are wide with glee, which further validates I'm doing the right thing.
As promised, he's out five minutes later with his brother in tow. While Tyler makes his way to the large Lincoln Navigator, which is part of the OTS fleet, James stops outside my door. Tapping on the glass, he signals for me to let down the window. Still nervous he may try to stop us from leaving, I lower it only a few inches.
"What is it?"
"Emilia," he speaks quietly so the girls can't hear him. Though I sense his frustration, his eyes soften into a look that's almost pleading. "We'd feel better if you guys rode in the Navigator. I know you wanted it to be just you and the girls, but it's far safer for the three of you to ride with us."
For a brief moment that word, safer, has me second-guessing my decision, but as the girls meet my eyes through the rearview mirror, I realize they're just as desperate for this bit of normalcy as I am.

BROKEN COURAGE (Broken Redemption Book 3)
RomanceWhile tortured and held captive as a prisoner of war, she became my reason to keep breathing. The force that fueled my will to fight. To survive. When I woke after the rescue to discover the life I thought I was coming home to was but a figment of m...