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(Three Months Later)

"That's it, sweetness." I brush the damp strands of hair from her forehead, pressing a kiss to her temple before beginning the countdown again, just like we practiced. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten."

She exhales in a loud swoosh, her cheeks flushed with effort, before sucking in another breath and bearing down again. "Good. That's it, sweetheart. Push."

Oh God. I can see the baby's head. The sight punches the air out of my lungs, and for a second, I forget how to breathe.

I still can't believe I'm here. In this hospital room, surrounded by doctors and nurses, just moments away from meeting Sailor. The entire scene is surreal. I almost can't believe it's happening to me.

We're having a baby.

For months, Embree and I prepared for this, piecing together nursery furniture, folding tiny clothes, memorizing birthing techniques, and poring over every parenting book I could find. But nothing—none of it—could have prepared me for this: the overwhelming reality of watching the woman I love bring new life into the world.

True to form, Sailor has proved just as impatient as his or her sisters, deciding to make their grand entrance two weeks ahead of schedule. When Embree called to say her water broke, I froze. Shock hit me like a punch to the gut, and before I even realized what I was doing, I bolted out of the office without saying a word, even as Ben and the guys yelled after me.

Scared out of my mind, I drove home to pick her up, my brain spinning in overdrive. If it weren't for Embree's calm head—grabbing the hospital bags and arranging for Jenny to pick up the girls—I'd still be standing in our driveway, unsure of what to do next. Turns out, BUD/S training and years of combat experience don't mean a damn thing when faced with the intense emotions of bringing a baby into the world.

But that fear? It's shifted into something else. Pure excitement. A deep, overwhelming thrill that's settled into my chest. Aside from the day Embree became my wife, this is by far the best day of my life.

"That's good, Emilia. One more push. That's it... that's it," Hannah says, her calm, confident voice guiding Embree like a lifeline. Despite the fact she was supposed to be off today, the second we called to say we were on our way to the hospital, she promised to be there to deliver Sailor herself.

"Great job... heads out." Hannah's hands move with practiced precision. "No more pushing, Emilia. Just little pants for me while we get Sailor ready to be born."

Relief washes over Embree's face as she follows instructions, her breaths coming in short, sharp bursts. And me? I'm standing here awestruck, feeling like I'm witnessing a miracle unfold.

Not two seconds later, the sound of a baby's cry fills the air, forcing an unexpected sob straight from my chest. It's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard—fragile yet powerful, like a whisper cutting through silence, small yet capable of commanding everything around it.

Overcome with emotion, I reach for Embree, cradling her face in my hands and pressing a soft kiss on her lips. Tears stream down both our faces as we stare, transfixed, at the squirming, wailing bundle of life now cradled in Hannah's hands.

"Congratulation. It's a boy!" Hannah announces.

A boy. A boy. Christ, we have a son!

"We have a boy, sweetheart," I tell her, my voice thick with emotion. Embree turns her face to mine, her eyes shimmering with joy despite the exhaustion etched across her face. For a moment, we're locked in a silent exchange—a shared realization of this monumental miracle. Then she looks back down as Hannah gently lays the flailing, pink, utterly perfect bundle on her chest.

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