After everything they've been through, there's no other room in this big old house I'd be happier to have them in. It's a feeling I couldn't have imagined just a few days ago. In fact, this is my first time stepping into this space since the day of the fire, when it was still filled with my parents' belongings. Unwilling to confront the ghost of my past, I chose to move Embree and the girls to the bedrooms upstairs when we came here after the drone incident. That was two months ago today, and since then, the door to this area—the master suite of the house—has stayed firmly shut.
Until last night.
Sitting in that hospital room, still overwhelmed and in disbelief that we'd gotten them back—including the tiny but incredibly perfect baby growing inside her—I knew it was time to let go of the past. Unable to stomach the thought of being apart from them, I wanted a place where we could all be together as we heal from the trauma of the past few days. So there I was, at nearly three o'clock in the morning, calling Pastor David and asking him to prepare the space for us.
I'd waited until both the girls had fallen asleep before making the call. It was about a half hour after the nurses finally got them settled into their room. Initially, the doctors wanted Embree in obstetrics and Alyssa in pediatrics, but I refused to let them be separated. That's how they ended up sharing the same room on the OB floor. With Embree needing the most care because of her nausea and dehydration, it made the most sense.
The doctors explained that Embree's illness was caused by a combination of pregnancy hormones, stress, and the lack of sustenance during the time she'd been missing. It had plunged her body into an endless cycle of dizziness and dry heaves, leaving her feeling awful. Hearing how she'd gone without food and had only minimal water during the 36 hours they were missing—because she was conserving what little they had so Alyssa wouldn't have to go without—made me rabid with anger. The rage within me was barely contained, only held back by the knowledge that my girls needed a strong, calming presence to help them feel safe.
I was grateful when a kind nurse brought up some broth, applesauce, and crackers for them to share. That, along with the IV fluids, went a long way to alleviate Embree's discomfort, though even now, she's still quite pale and somewhat unsteady on her feet. The doctors didn't seem too concerned when they discharged her this morning, assuring me that her symptoms would continue to improve with rest and regular meals.
As I tuck the thick comforter around the three of them—well, four counting the baby—I breathe out a deep sigh of relief. Even though I'm sleep-deprived after three nights of little to no sleep, I've never felt more alive than I do right now. Having them home with me, all of us together again, brings tears to my eyes. I can't believe I almost lost this, that I was foolish enough to consider letting this go.
"Are you sure you'll be okay?" I know I've already asked, but like the coward I am, I'm just hoping she'll ask me to stay. I'm torn between my need to take care of them and my urge to hunt down the man who tried to steal them from me. Both extremes—my desire to nurture and my desire to kill—are battling inside me, nearly driving me insane.
"Yeah, we'll be fine." She gives me a tired smile before glancing down at each of the girls curled up against her on either side. "Won't we, girls?"
Alyssa, who hasn't spoken much since we found her, nods her head. But Mallory, who cried tears of joy when she first saw her mama and sister just minutes ago, squeals a resounding, "Yes!" My heart bursts with joy at the sight of her happiness, but sinks when I look at her sister.
The sad little girl sitting there with a vacant look in her eyes is nothing like the spunky, energetic girl she was when I last saw her, the one whose personality shone so brightly it lit up every room she walked into. It's as if her spirit was smothered by the darkness of that cellar. Seeing her like this is almost too much to bear and further fuels my need to find Robert Kessler so I can make him pay for everything he's done.
Sensing my inner turmoil, Embree's worried eyes meet mine. Her gaze is enough to quell the murderous rage simmering inside me, reminding me I'm supposed to be their rock—the steady, reliable presence who will piece them back together and guide them through to the other side of the trauma they endured. Forcing a smile, I give her a slight nod I hope reassures her she doesn't need to worry. I've got this. Somehow, some way, I will fix everything I've broken.
Grabbing the remote control from the nightstand, I hand it to her. "I'll, uh, be with the guys for a bit. If you need anything, Jen's just in the kitchen. Text either of us, and we'll come right away. And no getting out of bed. Doctor's orders." I attempt another reassuring smile, but this time it doesn't reach my eyes. I hate leaving them, but the only way to ensure their safety is to find Kessler and put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.
"Yes, Dad," Embree smirks at me, while Mallory giggles.
She called me Dad.
In front of the girls, she called me Dad, and while I get it's nothing more than a sassy comeback, hearing that word from her lips sends my heart sputtering in my chest. The intense heat of love and utter joy flooding through me is still a foreign sensation, but one I'm becoming hopelessly addicted to.
Overwhelmed by the intensity of my conflicting emotions, I head for the door. After taking one last look at my entire world wrapped up in that bed, I somehow muster the strength to walk away. Though I know they're safe in our home, close to the control room where I'm meeting the team, it feels like they're a million miles away. The anxious energy that's been my constant companion since James called that morning—telling me she was insisting on taking the girls to the park—returns with a vengeance, wrapping cold, icy claws around my throat, making it hard to breathe.
"Lucas? Are you okay?" Jenny's hand on my arm helps ground me, pulling me back into the moment and reminding me why I need to leave them. Taking her hand, I cradle it with both of mine.
"Yeah, it's just hard." I swallow, trying to clear the lump in my throat. "Leaving them after everything."
A tear escapes from the corner of her eye as she gives me a slight nod. It's only now that I'm noticing the dark circles under her eyes and the pronounced worry lines etched into her forehead. With her free hand, she draws small circles around her baby bump, like she's soothing the baby inside her. The sight of it sends a twinge of excitement through me, both for the niece or nephew I can't wait to meet, and the beautiful baby I met last night on that grainy black-and-white screen.
Suddenly, needing the comfort only family can give, I pull her in for a hug. This is yet another reason I need to focus on finding Kessler. The events of the past few months have cost the women I love far too much. It has to end. One way or another, we have to break Embree, the girls, Jenny, and my OTS brothers free from this mess.
"They'll be okay. We'll make sure of it," I reassure her, kissing the top of her head before pulling back to meet her eyes. "Why don't you go in there and get some rest? There's plenty of room for you to curl up on the bed next to them."
"Sure. I'll do that." She rises on her toes and wraps her arms around my neck. "Thank you, big brother. For being here and bringing them back to me. For working to keep our family safe. I love you, Lucas."
With one hand behind her head and the other around her waist, I hold her tight. Blinking back tears, I return the words, even as they don't come close to capturing how I feel. There are no words, in any language, that could convey just how much having her back in my life means to me.
"I love you too."
As I watch her disappear into the room, I've never been more certain of what needs to be done. It's time to go on the offensive and take the fight to them. It's time to show Kessler and his goons that we're not a family to be messed with.
Want to read ahead? The next 2 Chapters are available FREE if you FOLLOW ME on REAM!!! (Link in my profile)
Author's Note:
Now that his girls are safe and back home, Lucas is determined to put an end to Kessler.
I'd love to hear what you think of this chapter. Do you agree that it's time for them to go on the offensive?
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BROKEN COURAGE (Broken Redemption Book 3)
RomanceWhile tortured and held captive as a prisoner of war, she became my reason to keep breathing. The force that fueled my will to fight. To survive. When I woke after the rescue to discover the life I thought I was coming home to was but a figment of m...