Chapter 36

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It took several hours to gather everything we needed, to run through logistics, and to consider all possible contingencies. Just when I thought we were finally ready, the decision was made to wait until nightfall. The property is so heavily wooded that gathering the intel for a precise tactical entry is impossible. Rather than risk going in blind, Mason proposed we go in under the cover of darkness. It gives us the best chance of getting in undetected, allowing us to infiltrate enemy lines with the element of surprise. This approach increases our chances of neutralizing those guarding the area before anyone realizes we're there.

Waiting for the sun to set was agony. Knowing Embree and Alyssa might be that close, suffering and possibly losing hope, made the wait damn near unbearable. Sitting idle, especially when it comes to them, goes against everything I am. But if there's one thing I've learned from years of facing down bad guys, you either go in right or the mission is lost before it even starts. And getting to that tracker, and the little girl who it belongs to—along with her mother—that's a mission I'm not willing to risk. We either do this right, or we don't go in at all.

Adjusting my night vision goggles, I run through my mental checklist. My hands then move over my tactical vest, checking and rechecking that everything's exactly where it should be. Though it's been a long time since I kitted up, the SEAL in me knows what to do. With muscle memory, I check for my weapons, the extra magazines, the zip ties, and other tools we might need before the night is out. It's like I never left the field. This comes as a relief, healing yet another crack in my battered, blackened heart, because for the first time since Kabul, I feel more like my old self.

As I run through the motions one more time, a familiar sense of calm washes over me. Though the crushing weight of their disappearance still sits heavy within me, there's comfort in knowing we're that much closer to finding them. Even if this mission doesn't lead to the happily ever after I so desperately crave, doing something—anything—is better than sitting around worrying and waiting for answers to come.

"This is control. Confirm you're in position." Owen's voice crackles through my earpiece.

I look over at Mason and wait for his nod before responding. "Team one in position."

Within seconds, Dominick's voice comes through the line. "Team two in position."

Agent Hunt follows. "Team three in position."

And then Ben. "Team four in position."

It was Zeb's idea to split into four teams of two. On team one, Mason, Nero, and I will take the lead, coming in from the west side of the property. On team two are Dominick and Zeb, who'll approach from the east. Team three is Special Agents Hunt and Halder, who'll come in from the back of the property, on the north side. Finally, team four, comprised of Ben and Creed, will wait at the only exit out of the property in case anyone tries to flee using the main road.

Waiting with Ben's team are Chief Keller and two squad cars. Though Will wasn't thrilled with the plan, he begrudgingly agreed we would run the operation under the direction of the FBI—though, in reality, it's Offset Tactical who's taken point. The only part of the plan I'm not entirely sold on is why Creed needs to be here, though I'm not opposed to using him as a bargaining chip if the opportunity arises. As far as I'm concerned, he caused this, so trading his life to save his ex-wife and daughter is the least the bastard could do.

"This is control. Mission's a go. Move out." Owen's voice cuts in again, and I can't help but smirk as I hear the asshole cackling in the background at his cleverness. "Always wanted to say that."

"Knock it off." Ben barks over the coms. "This isn't a game, so shut up and let them work."

For the next few minutes, Mason, Nero, and I stealthily make our way through the dense woods. The night vision is a godsend, helping us navigate over fallen logs and uneven ground. As we go, we scan the area for motion sensors, cameras—anything that could give away our position before we're ready. To my surprise, there's nothing. At least on this side of the property.

"This is Team One. So far, no evidence of surveillance equipment. Anyone see anything?" One by one, the other teams call out, reporting the same.

As we continue through the forest, I watch Nero closely. During our team days, he saved our asses more times than I can count. With his keen sense of smell and hearing, he knew when trouble was coming minutes before we did. It's why I notice the sudden change in his body language, accompanied by the signature quiet whine. With his nose to the ground, I watch him snake back and forth a few feet in front of us, his movements full of renewed determination.

Breathing through the sudden pounding in my chest, I speak into the coms. "Team One here. Nero's got something."

"Any idea what?" Ben's voice cuts in.

"Negative," I respond. "Letting him take the lead." Looking down at Nero, I wait for his eyes to meet mine, then give him the hand signal. Zoek—search.

He knows not to stray too far ahead of us, so I keep him in my periphery while I continue scanning the area for surveillance equipment. Slowly and methodically, he leads us forward, his body communicating exactly what I need to see. He's definitely onto something, though whether it's a friendly or otherwise is yet to be determined. I glance over at Mason, who's to my right. His body turned backward, scanning the terrain behind us, watching our six. When he notices me, he gives a nod, confirming he's attuned to Nero's behavior and is aware we're closing in on whatever has captured his attention.

"Team three has reached the tree line. Waiting for final go-ahead."

"Team four requesting visual confirmation from team three. What do you see?"

"No visible cameras or other equipment. The area is clear. No vehicles or signs anyone is here. There are remnants of a structure, the outer side wall of a cabin. Nothing that could be used to hide a hostage."

"Fuck..." I breathe through the initial panic, pushing it down and stowing it away, even as my heart pounds hard against my chest.

"Eye on the prize, brother, eye on the prize." Mason thankfully reminds me.

"Team two at the tree line. Same situation here, no sign of cameras, vehicles, or people. Just the charred remains of a structure. Awaiting further instruction."

"Team one, at the tree line," I report back, unable to hide the slight tremble in my voice. As Mason and I stop, crouching low to stay out of sight, Nero returns and takes a seat at my side. The low whine he emits as he looks between me and the direction of the scent he's tracking is the only sign he's not pleased we've stopped. "All clear. No vehicles. No one in sight. Awaiting further instruction."

This is it.

The moment that might forever alter the future I envisioned for us, the life that saved me back in that hole, where the love and light of that imaginary life somehow beat back the dark demons that almost ended me. As I look at the charred structure in front of us, my heart's already broken, a part of me accepting that this may very well be the end of the line for the future I wanted. Still, that small flicker of hope I found in that cave when Mallory flung herself into my arms overrides the negative thoughts. Against all odds, Mallory got free from her would-be captors and we found her safe and sound, which, for a jaded man like me, offers the best lesson of all: anything is possible. Still, whatever happens next, one thing is for certain—I won't be leaving this place the same man I was before coming here.

Steeling myself, I blink away the emotion pooling in my eyes and wait for the words I'm both desperate for and afraid to hear.

"Team four to team one, it's your go."

"Copy that," I answer. "Team one moving in."

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Author's Note:

It's your turn to tell me what you think of this chapter. Are you surprised to hear that Creed is also on the scene?


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