"It's alright. I got him. Everyone back up." Will's command thunders through the chaos, and as instructed, the officers struggling to keep me behind the yellow crime scene tape finally let go.
"Please, Will. Tell me what's happened. Tell me they're not gone."
With a tight grip on my shoulders, my old friend and chief of police looks me straight in the eyes. "Take a breath, Lucas. We need you to be strong. To get them back, we need you whole and ready to do whatever it takes to help us find them. I promise you; we will not stop until those three girls are back home—safe and sound—where they belong."
Christ, I want to believe him, I do, but I can't get past the titanic-sized boulder of guilt shredding my insides. This is all on me. I left them alone and vulnerable when they needed me the most.
"The trackers..." I choke out, just as Ben and Dominick reach us.
"Trackers? What the hell is going on, Ben?"
"For God's sake Keller— "
"It's Chief Keller to you, especially if you're going to take that tone with me, Ben."
"Guys," Dominick cuts in. "We don't have time for this. Look, Keller, Emilia is a client. It's a long story, one we'll gladly fill you in on as we work together to find them."
"Dom's right. I'm sorry, Will. We'll tell you whatever you want to know, but first, I need to get Owen on those trackers. May I?" Ben lifts his phone for Will to see.
"Yeah, go ahead, but after that, you and I are due a conversation. We can either do it here or, if you like, I can drag the three of you down to the station for a more formal discussion."
"Easy there, Keller. You have my word, there's no need for threats." Ben taps the screen on his phone, placing it on speaker just as the call goes through. "Owen, you're on speaker. I'm standing at the scene with Lucas, Dominick, and Chief Keller. What have you got?"
In a rare show of solidarity, Dominick places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes, while at the same time, he hands me Nero's leash. In the wake of everything going on, I'd forgotten about him, which is why I'm only now noticing he's whining and pulling against his lead. He's caught something. A scent? Maybe a sound? But before I can consider what he's signaling to me, Owen's voice cuts through my thoughts.
"I'm getting two signals. Emilia's is just a few yards from where you're standing. I'm guessing if she's not there with you, they must have found her tracker and removed it. The second signal is Mallory's. It's showing deeper in the woods, looks like straight through the tree line, north of where you are."
"And Alyssa's?" I ask in a rough voice, a part of me afraid to know the answer.
"Negative. Not even a blip."
"Christ..." I gasp, tangling a hand into my hair and pulling as hard as I can until my scalp burns with the pain I deserve. I should have been here to stop this. Fuck! I never should have left them.
This time, when Nero lunges hard against his leash, I pay attention. His previous whines have turned into frustrated barks that bring everyone's eyes our way.
"He's got something. That's it, boy. Show me what's got your attention," I murmur, allowing him to pull me in the direction he wants to go. Realizing my assumption is correct and he's been signaling to us all along, I yell over my shoulder, "I'm turning him loose." Ignoring Will's objections, I unclip the lead from his vest and give him the command he's been waiting for. "Zoek." Search.
Like a bolt of lightning, Nero takes off toward the tree line and disappears. As is habit, I reach for where my weapon is typically holstered and remember I'm unarmed. Daring a quick glance, I'm relieved to find Ben, Dominick, and Will following close behind, their weapons drawn and at the ready. Knowing I'm no good to anyone dead, I fall back.

BROKEN COURAGE (Broken Redemption Book 3)
RomanceWhile tortured and held captive as a prisoner of war, she became my reason to keep breathing. The force that fueled my will to fight. To survive. When I woke after the rescue to discover the life I thought I was coming home to was but a figment of m...