Chapter 22

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"So, I talked to Zapala. He was pleased with the work you guys did and wants to contract with us for another assignment. This one would span four weeks, traveling between his offices in New York, Boston, and D.C."

"Tell him nah, we're good." Zeb cuts in before I can.

"Agreed. There's not a doubt in my mind the guy's dirty." I reiterate for the 50th time since meeting him five days ago.

Anthony Zapalla. Old money, inherited after his father's mysterious disappearance. He's the owner of multiple high-value properties throughout New York, as well as several other major US cities. He was referred to Ben by a mutual acquaintance—Roy McClain, Governor of Pennsylvania—which is the only reason we took on the assignment.

It was my first official job since joining Offset Tactical and my formal title under the contract was Executive Protection Detail—also known as Babysitter of Rich Assholes. Zeb and I were tasked with driving him from meeting to meeting, ensuring his safety as he conducted business throughout the city. Not surprisingly, several of those meetings took place in seedy establishments, and most of his business associates looked rather shady as well.

"Aside from his sleazy business pals, we had to sit there and watch as he damn near forced himself on a girl that couldn't have been more than 18 years old. She was drugged and so out of her mind she was barely coherent." I add with a shake of my head, still angry we couldn't help.

"There were other girls, too. All high as kites, most looked way too young to be there. When we attempted to intervene, suddenly it was time to leave. Far as I'm concerned, he's not someone we should do business with." Zeb chimes in.

"Anything we should report?" That question is asked not by Ben, our boss, but by Ben, the former police officer. Though the air-tight NDAs we sign prevent us from disclosing what we see during jobs, he's not opposed to calling in an anonymous tip to local law enforcement if a situation warrants it.

"Nothing we're sure of," Zeb adds. "He made certain we didn't stick around long enough for us to assess the situation."

Ben looks from Zeb to me before returning his attention to the file in front of him. While noting something on the file, he affirms, "Okay. We'll blacklist him. Anything else I should know?"

As we shake our heads, Owen and Dominick enter the room and take their seats around the conference room table. As realization hits, my hackles rise. With the five of us here, it means the safety of Embree and the girls is in the hands of only James and Pastor David. Two people to protect the three of them is a ratio I'm not comfortable with, something Ben must sense, for he raises a hand to halt my protest.

"Relax. Tyler is at the house visiting with James, so between the two of them and Pastor David, they're covered until you get there." Though I try to fight the reaction, I cringe at his assumption. Not one to miss anything, his eyes shoot daggers in my direction. "You are headed back there today, correct?"

The shame that crawls over my skin causes me to drop my gaze. "I need more time. I got a room at the Inn and plan to head there after we're done here."

"You've got to be kidding me." Ben huffs in a low growl, leaving no doubt he's pissed at the news.

"I'm a liability. With my head still not right, I feel strongly they're safer without me." Though I mean to sound confident in my decision, there's a noticeable shake in my voice.

"Is that so? Then tell me, why does it sound like not even you buy that bullshit?" His condescending tone strikes like a match, fanning the flames of my anger and self-loathing.

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