Chapter 90

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It was a clandestine exhibition, shrouded in mystery from the Far East. The nobles were all abuzz with curiosity, whispering among themselves as occasional gasps of astonishment echoed through the large hall.

Lloyd slowly approached the massive bronze artifact. Its elongated form was marred by numerous damages, obscuring its original appearance. Yet, the remnants of its menacing aura still struck fear into the hearts of onlookers.

"They say it might be a weapon."

Celia had joined him, her keen ears catching the murmurs of the others. It wasn't just the nobles; scholars from distant lands were also present, discussing fervently.

"A weapon?"

The thing was enormous, far too large for any human to wield, but Lloyd didn't dismiss Celia's remark. He knew some things were indeed capable of using such oversized weapons, like the ancient mechs from the old ages.

This was a weapon of those mechs, Lloyd was sure. Even though he couldn't recognize its original form, it undoubtedly came from the enigmatic Far East, wielded by those mystical Eastern mechs.

Scanning the surroundings, Lloyd noticed that this was the only exhibit with an eerie presence. The other artifacts had clear purposes, easy to discern.

Then, unexpectedly, someone else appeared beside Lloyd. He looked over, surprised.

"You're hosting this?"

"Who else? This can be considered the first exchange with the Far East. Even though it's just some inconspicuous items, it has to be me presenting them, right?"

From behind a silver mask, Burrow whispered to Lloyd.

"I thought you'd never come to the lower district again, Lloyd."

"After spending so much time here, isn't it natural to come back and reminisce?"

Lloyd glanced at the broken mech weapon in front of him.

"This exhibition isn't just a simple showcase, is it? Why hold it secretly in the lower district when it could openly attract so much attention and money with the Far East's allure?"

"The higher-ups are hesitant. It's a clash of two civilizations, East and West. No one knows what might happen if we rush into contact. This exhibition is just a signal, informing the nobles that the visitors from the Far East will come eventually."

"A precaution?"

"Something like that."

Lloyd reached out to touch the weapon, but his hand stopped halfway. He looked at Burrow, eyes scrutinizing.

"You know what this is, don't you?"

"More or less."

Burrow didn't reveal much, but his reaction gave him away. Lloyd found it intriguing.

"Did you guys get your hands on a mech from the Far East?"

The weapon was here; it stood to reason they had the mysterious mech too.

"We only managed to get a wreck."

Burrow didn't hide it anymore and spoke frankly.

"You should have met those monks. They came across the ocean, hoping to exchange the wreck for a place to live."

"Sounds like a conspiracy."

"Indeed, but this thing is too tempting, isn't it? So we accepted it and temporarily settled them here."

"Do you know their true identity?"

"Just that they're monks from a tributary state of the Far East, here for some so-called pilgrimage."

Lloyd was momentarily speechless, then looked intensely at Burrow. After a long silence, he sighed.

"So, what do you want from me, Burrow?"

"What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb. I'm not part of the Exorcism Bureau, yet you're telling me all this. Just like you couldn't resist the monks' offer, you think I won't be able to resist seeing that mech wreck from the Far East, right?"

Burrow's smile grew wider at Lloyd's words.

"I enjoy working with smart people, especially someone like you. If you hadn't come today, it would've been sent to the perpetual pump tonight, and you'd have missed it. As for the cost, we can discuss that later."

Burrow led the way. As Lloyd followed, his gaze lingered on the machines displayed in the exhibition. He felt that things weren't as simple as Burrow claimed. A group of monks couldn't possibly carry such heavy artifacts over such a long distance.

His steps halted when Burrow pointed behind him at the smaller "Lloyd." Lloyd hadn't noticed someone following him.

"Is this your friend?"

Lloyd thought it best not to complicate matters.

"My assistant, yes, my assistant."

He pressed Celia's hat lower, hiding her face completely in the shadows.

Burrow gave Lloyd a strange look. He'd never heard of Lloyd having an assistant, especially not in these circumstances.

"I can only take one of you inside."

Lloyd was momentarily troubled. He wanted to see the mech wreck from the Far East but didn't want Celia's presence here to be exposed.

"Then let's leave it at that."

Lloyd waved his hand, declining Burrow's invitation.

"You don't want to see it anymore?"

"But I can't leave her here. Besides, as long as demons exist, I'll have another chance to see it."

Lloyd's confidence was almost reckless. Burrow's eyes narrowed, sensing something off. For Lloyd to give up so easily, the identity of the smaller "Lloyd" must be unusual.

"Wait a minute, Lloyd, you wouldn't!"

Burrow seemed to realize something, reaching out to grab the smaller Lloyd. His swift action caught Lloyd off guard, and Burrow cursed as he tore off the deerstalker hat, revealing a girl's face for a brief moment. He was now certain of his suspicion.

"Quick, get Eve back before Arthur finds out!"

Burrow's panic was palpable. He didn't understand why Lloyd was interested in his boss's child.

"Wait, what are you doing!"

Lloyd seized Burrow by the throat, grappling him like two bears wrestling. The deerstalker hat fell, and Burrow finally saw her face, but it wasn't Eve.

He was stunned, but soon the cold face overlapped with someone in his memory. Burrow turned sharply to Lloyd, who tried to feign innocence, but who would believe that?

Burrow's emotions surged: surprise, admiration, and a realization that Lloyd had a high target.

"Miss Stuart?"

Celia nodded coldly. Burrow had assigned Lloyd the task of bringing her back years ago. Though many years had passed, Burrow still remembered her.

"Lloyd, she's not of age! This is a crime!"

"What are you thinking!"

The two lunatics yelled at each other, wrestling together. Celia watched them, not intending to intervene. She was merely thinking about the identity of this so-called Eve.

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