Chapter 139

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The Perpetual Pump.

The Purification Mechanism, the pinnacle of technology in all of Ingervig, stands as the forefront of research institutions. Its studies span from alchemy and steam technology to demonic entities. It is these advancements that have propelled the world forward, and it was here that the first steam prototype in history was constructed.

Shrouded in secrecy, this institution often operates under the guise of the Surface Mechanic Institute. They innovate and then hand over their discoveries to the Surface Institute, which extends their research through established industrial lines. Their symbol, a serpent devouring its own tail, represents "perpetual motion" and "infinity."

"The security level here is the highest, comparable only to the Broken Dome and the Platinum Palace in Old Dunling," said Red Hawk, acting as a guide, his excitement surpassing even that of Lloyd.

As an elite knight, he had never been allowed to casually visit the Perpetual Pump. This place, veiled in myth, usually reveals itself through a series of mysterious events: an unmarked carriage emitting dazzling sparks arrives, white-coated figures emerge with god-slaying, dragon-destroying weapons, hand over a thick manual, and then disappear. Sometimes, scholars from the Mechanic Institute deliver these weapons.

Red Hawk felt a peculiar sense of pilgrimage, like a swordsman stepping into a forge of legendary blades. Though he didn't scream like an awestruck fan meeting their idol, he couldn't help but feel awe. The power used to combat demons originated from this enigmatic place.

From the ancient divine armors to the Ranger Program and the world-changing steam engines, all hailed from here—the mysterious Perpetual Pump.

"Can I take a souvenir?" The sudden, ghostly voice wasn't Red Hawk's but Joey's, who had been silent until now. Usually composed, Joey now stared dumbfounded at the experimental field beside the corridor. Through the separating glass, he watched researchers test weapons, clad in asbestos fire suits, standing at a safe distance.

The mechanical arm in the center of the field triggered the divine armor musket, which instantly fired. The bright interior was bathed in blood-red light as the high-temperature projectile exited the barrel, causing the musket to explode due to the intense heat. The molten metal expanded outward, and the burning projectile pierced through several layers of experimental steel plates. The remaining molten metal fragments embedded themselves in the plates.

Alarms blared as low-temperature gas flowed in to cool the boiling steel. The researchers, unfazed, recorded the data by the molten wreckage.

"Dragon's Breath divine armor musket: due to its excessive power, it explodes upon use, rendering it a single-use item. Current experiments aim to optimize materials to reduce costs since this weapon is disposable and doesn't require reloading," Tesla explained. The researchers' unconventional thinking was evident—rather than ensuring the musket wouldn't explode, they made it disposable. Tesla glanced at Joey.

"That item is meant for the ancient divine armors; you can't use it. Pick something else as a souvenir," he said.

Tesla led the group through long corridors, passing several experimental fields where explosions shook the corridors. Red Hawk's expression was complex. He knew that if the Perpetual Pump, positioned at the tree trunk of the metaphorical inverted tree of the Furnace Pillar, were ever blown up, everyone would be doomed.

Finally, Tesla brought them to a large experimental field covered entirely by fine steel plates. The area was circular, resembling a deep well that extended to the dome above. Lights arranged on the dome provided illumination akin to daylight. Around the well's edge were several large lifts, slowly rising and descending. Massive steel gates, with tracks extending across the well, hung mechanical devices that traveled overhead, disappearing into the opposite gates.

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