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Wonyoung's pov

The reporters seemed to attack us like wild dogs. They asked us questions like "have you met the Prince yet?" And "which twin are you?" The guards pushed us through the crowd of reporters.

I felt like a fish in a fishbowl. People were pushing into me and one person almost pulled on my hair. I was astonished by the way the press was acting.

And by the time we reached the limo the guards were laughing their hearts out.

"What are you two laughing at?" I asked
"You. Newsflash sweetie this is the best the press will ever behave and if you can't handle it now how are you going to handle it when you live in the Palace." Said the guard through his laughs.

"Oh." I replied.

Da-ah's pov

The car ride was horrible. The guards stared at me the whole time. I felt that if I scratched my nose the guards would tell the whole world through their little ear pieces. We finally made it to the Palace after what felt like forever.

"Well, we finally arrived at the prison. Let's go find our cells." Said wonyoung sarcastically.

"Oh shut up. This will be fun. Enjoy it. I mean at least we get to experience it together." I replied.

"Oh don't get all mushy o me now."

"But I love you wonyoung." I fake cried.

Suddenly the Palace doors opened. Dozens of butlers and maids came pouring out. In the middle of them was a scary old lady. "Girls are you just going to stand there or are you going to come in. You are letting all the cold air in. Hurry up the stairs now."

"Yes ma'am." We both said.

"Welcome girls to the Palace. Let's go show you to your room. Your maids are waiting for -

"Lia!!!!" I screamed as we walked up the
staircase to the room.

"Hush now. At the Palace, we have a couple of rules. First, do not be loud or cause a ruckus. We do important business here and there needs to be silence.

Rule 2 do not hurt the other girls. They are now the Palace's property and should not be damaged. Rule 3 the curfew is 10:30 PM.

I expect you to both be in bed by then. Rule 4 make everybody believe you are in love with the Prince. Even if you don't. I mean that is the reason you are here right to give the public, romance." The scary lady says. "Aw, here we are your room."

Both Wonyoung and I were stunned by how amazing the room was.

"I hope you enjoy your room ladies because this will be the only place you will ever be free from the public eye." The lady then closed the door and walked away.

"Great what mess are we in now?" Wonyoung said slightly annoyed.

- 4/06/24

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