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Wonyoung's pov

It has been a few days since I have been to the infirmary. I haven't gotten off my bed in days. blames himself, but because of him I get to blaming him, it is more like praising him.

Heeseung comes everyday to check on me. I think he watch TV marathons for days. So I'm not "Wonyoung you have to get off your bed today." Dia told me.

"No. I don't want to." I whined.

"Today you have plans to meet with the Luna Queen and the other girls at the daycare. She wants to see how all of you interact with little kids. So out of bed now!" Dia then handed me clothes. She then brought me down to the daycare.

"The day care was established for families in our pack who have little kids and whom both parents work. The Luna Queen is in charge of running it." Dia informed me. The daycare was cute and childish. Some of the girls still had not arrived, so I decided to explore the place. There was TVs, a ball pit, and board games. Next to the ball pit was two little boys arguing

and a girl crying. I walked over to the little girl.

"Hi sweetie. What is your name?'I asked.

"Mayu." She said between her sobs.

"Hi Mayu. I'm wonyoung. Would you like to tell me what is the matter?"

"The boy on the left is my brother. He is yelling at the boy who pushed me to the ground. It really hurt." She said crying. She then showed me her knee that was scatched and had blood dripping.

"I'm going to take care of this okay?" She nodded. "Dia please come here!" Dia came over and saw the situation. "Dia could you please take Mayu to get a bandage." Dia nodded, picked up the girl, and left. I then looked towards the boys still yelling and walked over to them.

"Can you two knock it off. Yelling won't make it any better!" I said to the boys.

"Leave us alone you old hag!" Said the boy who wasn't Mayu's brother.

"What? I'm only 18. Who are you calling an old hag?"

"You. You're an old hag! You're an old hag! You're an old hag!" He chanted.

"Am not!

"Are too!" I then crouched down next to him.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"


"Fighting with little kids now aren't we."Said the Luna Queen who must have came over when we were fighting. Her face looked amused by this situation.

"Hi Queen. I umm didn't see you there." I said. She then smiled at me. Not a good smile though. The type of smile a teacher gives you after you fail a test.

"I can explain."

"There is no need for that Wonyoung. Please go. The other girls are waiting for you." Before I went over to the other girls I saw the Queen give the boys lollipops. They both looked happy after that. When I joined the other girls they didn't seem happy to see me. Da-ah looked embarrassed by the way I behaved. I mouthed to her "I'm sorry" and she mouthed back "It's okay."

"Now girls today you will help me with doing arts and crafts. Please go find a little kid to pair up with." The Luna Queen told us. At that moment Dia walked in holding Mayu. I walked up to them.

"Hey Mayu. Are you feeling better?" She nodded. "Good then would you like to do some arts and crafts with me."

"Yes." She replied. We then went over to a table.

"We are making bottle cap necklaces." I told her. I made one then she made one. They were a little hard to make at first. but within our fifth attempt we had gotten the hang of it. After makina it our table was a mess. Glue was everywhere. Papers was all on the floor and our failed attempts were on the table.

"Ok it is time to clean up!" I said to her.

"No. I don't want to!" She then ran away leaving me to clean up by myself. In the process of cleaning up I saw Mayu sneak up on me.

"Hey what are-" At that moment she had spilled glitter all over me. "Come here you little rascal!" I yelled and tickled her. During this fiasco the Prince appeared. What's up with the Royals seeing me at the worst moments today.

"Having fun now aren't we?" He said with a smirk o his face.

"Yeah because everyone like glitter all over their hair." I said sarcastically. He then laughed and sat down next to us on the floor.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm good just learning how to rule a kingdom." He said like it was no big deal. Out of nowhere Mayu ran up to him and huaged him.

"Sunghoon!" She yelled.

"Hi Mayu!" He said smiling.

"You two know each other?" | asked.

"Yeah she is my cousin. You know the Beta's daughter."

"Oh." I replied surprised. What a small pack we live in.


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