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Wonyoung's pov

(The Next Day)

It was weird not having Yunjin here. Breakfast wasn't the same.

The scary old lady said that she would be meeting with us for lunch and to look presentable. which apparently means looks like a modern Cinderella so I got stuck wearing this god-awful dress. It was a horrible grey and looked unbreathable. Dia was laughing at me once I came out of the bathroom.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I told her.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It just looks so bad on you." Said Dia between her laughs.

"Then why did you pick it?"

"I didn't pick it. The scary old lady handed the dress out." Dia said still laughing. Da-ah came running into the room wearing this gorgeous dress. It was a pink flowing sweetheart gown.

"Wonyoung don't you love it. This is so amazing on me." She spun around for me. "The Palace always picks out these fabulous dre-"Da-ah stopped and stared at my dress. "Umm Wonyoung what are you wearing?"

"A goddamn awful dress that's what. The scary old lady picked it out for me. I tell you she hates me. She hates me down to her bone." Da-ah started laughing.

"Awe wonyoung. That looks horrible on you." Da-ah and Dia I think could die from laughing at any point now.

"C'mon girls we have to meet the lady for lunch." Said Lia the only voice of reason in this whole place. "But Wonyoung I have to say that dress looks awful on you." Lia said joining in with the other two laughing.

"Wow thanks guys." I replied. We went down the stairs to the ballroom. All the other girls were wearing these amazing dresses and here I was being an ugly duckling.

They all stopped talking and stared at me wide-eyed. The maids brought everyone to their seats and we sat down and waited for the old lady. I chatted with Eunji for a little while then the old lady walked in.

"Hello girls sorry I'm late. I hope you all love the dresses I picked except for you Wonyoung I hope you hate yours. It is your punishment for yelling during the Battle Royale yesterday." Said the old lady.

"What?" I screamed. "The whole crowd was yelling yesterday and I get in trouble for it."

"You are a lady and ladies don't scream." She reprimanded me. "Now girls today you will be learning poise. The Luna Queen should be a master at this. Now please grab your plate and put it on top of your head. Today's lesson will be walking and dancing. When you walk you should glide along the floor so do not stomp. Otherwise, there will be broken glass all over the floor. And you can not touch the plate with your hands. " Crap that plate won't last on my head for a good five seconds of walking. "Ok girls start walking."

I started walking and thanks to the gods above I wasn't the only one who dropped their plate on the first step. Hmm, maybe I should say the devil because we all know where I'm going. Dia gave me a new plate and to my horror, it looked like they had a hundred plates ready for me to break.

"C'mon ladies. Balance and glide. Balance and glide. Balance and glide. Balance and glide." The old lady repeated over and over again.

"Can you please stop? I get it "Balance and Glide." I mimicked. "Some people are trying to concentrate here," I complained. My eyes were focused on the ground and where I was placing my feet. The lady huffed at me.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Da-ah walking in circles without dropping her plate. Wow, look at her go. I guess her gymnastics lessons balances worked out well for her. It took me a while but I got the hang of it.

"Good job girls. It's time to move on to dancing. Now, remember just like walking you should glide and balance across the dance floor. No slouching." The old lady said while turning on the music.

Da-ah's pov

Balancing the plate on my head was easy. But for Wonyoung, it was like watching a comedy act. Dia just had to follow her replacing the plates as Wonyoung went. Dancing was a little more difficult.

"Ok girls now I want you to close your eyes and imagine you are dancing with a dance partner." We all closed our eyes. I think I heard Wonyoung whisper a complaint.

But when does she not complain. All of a sudden I felt something touch my hand. I quickly opened my eyes startled and there was a boy dancing with me. The Prince was dancing with my sister.

My sister stepped on the Prince's foot a couple times.

"Look girls I did a magic trick." Said the old lady who seemed proud of herself for doing that. I never danced with a boy before so it was really awkward. We switched partners every few minutes so the Prince could dance with every girl. Finally, it was my turn to dance with the Prince.

"Hello Da-ah. How are you?"

"I'm good thanks for asking."

"Do you like dancing?"

"I don't mind it."I smiled.

"That's great." He said. "Well excuse me, but I have to go onto the next girl." We then switched partners. After a few rounds of shifting partners, the dance lesson was finally over. The Prince then went to the front of the room.

"Now girls dancing is an important part of being the Luna Queen and sadly I have to cut down the number of girls to 8." Sunghoon said. "I didn't pick on how well you danced because learning how to do ballroom dancing takes a while, but I picked on if you enjoyed dancing and if I had fun dancing with you. So the 2 girls leaving



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