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Da-ah's pov

After my sister embarrassing herself and me as usual, dinner became very boring. The King went around the table asking us questions. He asked me, "Which twin am I?" and his follow-up question was "Who's older?" I told him wonyoung and thanks to Wonyoung's charms she was taking a big bite of food when the King looked at her. These are the moments that make me so proud to call her my sister. Not.

He asked my sister, "So how do you like the caviar?" The whole table laughing at this. I even snickered. The Queen and King left right before dessert was served. I think everybody was relieved that they left, but the cameramen stayed.

"What's it like to be here with your sister?" Eunji asked me.

"I guess it's fun to have someone to be here with. But at the same time, I feel like we are always together. Don't get me wrong I love her, but I would like some things to be my own things."

"I understand," Eunji replied.

After dessert the maids came in to bring us back to our rooms. Lia wanted me to tell her everything that happened, but I told her I would fill her in, in the morning.

"Good night Lia. Good night Wonyoung." I shouted.

"Good night!" They replied.

(The next day)

"Wake UP!" Lia shouted at me.

"Couldn't have been any quieter could you?" I smiled at her.

"Not if I wanted to." She smiled back

"So what's the game plan for today. Trying on clothes. Doing nails. What about gossiping with the other girls." I said excitedly. I was still in my bed, but I began to get more awake the longer we talked. I was excited to be able to meet the rest of the girls.

"Try meeting the Prince for breakfast." She said back to me seriously. All of my hopes for the day were quickly forgotten. I now had to get ready to meet the Prince. Like the actual Prince. What should I even wear? Black? White? Nah I need to stick to my basics.

"I like purple. Let's wear a purple dress!!"

"Nope, I got specific instructions that you are only to wear APPROPRIATE pajamas." She said like it was obvious.

"What pajamas? The Prince's first impression of me is me wearing pajamas?" This is actually ridiculous. This isn't the morning after a sleepover.

"Yep. Here you go. Wear this." She handed me my pajamas. It was a two-piece satin pajama set. I quickly got it on and brushed my hair.

"Ok, I'm ready to go." We both ran out of my room and looked for my sister. We met up with my sister on the staircase. She was wearing a white t-shirt and softee shorts.

Breakfast was outside instead of the dining room. This time Wonyoung and I got to sit together. Everybody seemed so excited except for Wonyoung she looked like she could fall asleep at any second.

"Wonyoung snap out of it! We are about to meet the Prince." She needs to put herself together she is embarrassing me.

"Jeez, you don't need to remind me," Wonyoung said while trying to open her eyes. She looked like she was hit by a truck and then ran a marathon. My sister's tiredness distracted me from the fact that the girl next to me had sat down.

"So you two are the twins huh I'm Yuri. I learned English while in school." Said Yuri, the girl sitting next to me.

"Oh it's nice to meet you!" I said. "English huh. That's cool." Wonyoung said.

"Yeah." She smiled at us, but then her face turned serious. "Just so you two know that girl over there, Yeji is not a person you want to mess with." Said Yuri in a non-joking manner.

I was so confused and needed for her to explain. "What do you mean by that".

"Attention, attention the man of the hour has finally arrived. The royal highness Prince Sunghoon." The guard at the door announced. The room became so quiet vou could hear a pin drop. The Prince appeared in the doorway and casted down a smile at all of us.

"Hello everybody I'm Prince Sunghoon." He sat down at the front of the table which unfortunately was far away from us. Thanks, Wonyoung for picking the seats farthest away from him. Wonyoung sent me a knowina smile. "I wanted to meet you all sooner, but I was busy training the little pups in the Royal pack."

"Don't worry about it. "Wonyoung said while trying to stay awake. My jaw dropped when I heard what my sister said to the Prince. Doesn't she know how to act in front of royalty.

"At least I get your forgiveness." The Prince said amused by the way she was acting.

"Wonyoung." I whispered. "When did you go to bed."

"Sleep is for the weak." She whispered back to me.

"You idiot."

After that catastrophe, the Prince began to mingle with all the other girls. Yunjin, Eunji, Yuri, and I were trying to keep wonyoung awake by giving her tons of coffee. She'll thank me later. After a half an hour or so the Prince made his way over to us.

"So nice to meet you." He said to me. "Now sorry, but which one are you?" Ughh this stupid question again.


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