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Wonyoung's pov

"So the 2 girls leaving are Eunji and Jiyeon." Said the Prince.

Well now my sister and I have lost both of our friends. Eunji and Da-ah had a huge hug session and a tear came out of Da-ah's eye. Eunji released Da-ah slowly and walked out of the ballroom. Wait a second. Why didn't I get a hug? Rude.

"Girls you are dismissed and can report back to your rooms." Said the old lady who then exited the ballroom.

C'mon Da-ah it's time to go." I told Da-ah who was still obviously sad about her friend leaving."Think about this as high school. Friends come and go. But remember family is forever." We walked back up the stairs to our room. Once we reached our room we went to our separate bedrooms.

It wasn't bedtime. but these dresses were really itchy. I decided to change into a comfy outfit and Da-ah did too. (We both sat on a couch in our living room.

"I just received a notification from the Alpha
King and Luna Queen that you guys are suppose to go watch training today that the Prince is teaching. You're going to watch the little kids training because Sunghoon deal with the families and children. Also the kids haven't shifted yet so they are considered humans."

Lia told the both of us. "Hey Wonyoung maybe these kids can teach vou some pointers so next year at the Battle Royale you won't have to run in circles." Da-ah told me laughing.

"At least I wasn't crying. Like a little girl" I said back to her.

"Oh shut up. You're just jealous that I'm stronger than you and I could actually get a punch in." Da-ah yelled at me.

"So that's how you want to play it." I yelled at her face. We both stood up off the couch we were on. "For the matter of fact I am not jealous. I just didn't want to hurt a fellow girl. Remember it was one of the Rules the old lady gave us. "Do not hurt another girl. They are the Palace's property."

"You so made that up right now."

"Did not."

"Yeah you did. You always talk yourself up but you are just a coward Wonyoung."

"Don't talk to me like that. You're a cry baby Da-ah all you do is cry and make my life horrible." I yelled at her.

"Well you know what Wonyoung you have been causing me problems since I got here. You have been embarrassing me, making the queen yell at you, making the old lady yell at you, and getting punishments left and right. So knock it off and leave me alone. You just an embarrassment to our family." She told me then stormed off.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" I yelled as she exited the room.

"Wow. You don't think that was a little too much right there, do you." Said Dia who looked shocked at what just happened.

"No I don't. She deserved it. Now c'mon let's go to the training lesson." I said putting on my shoes and leaving with Dia following behind.

The training room was like any other work out place. Their was equipment and mats. The person who shall not be named(Da-ah) had already arrived. I went over and leaned against a mat on the wall. The Prince walked past me holding a kid who looked like he was crying. "Is he ok?" I asked.

"Him?" I nodded. "He'll be alright. He's a big man. Right little fellow?" The Prince then tickled the boy he was holding and walked away. Wow he is really good with kids.

Da-ah's pov

"Can you believe that demon. She called me a cry baby. I'm not a cry baby. I cry the normal amount." I yelled to Lia once we reached the training room.

"Umm since you have been here you have cried more than all of the other girls combined."

Lia told me.

"So, that just tells you that the other girls don't have any emotions. They must be robots because I am not an abnormal crier. Now leave me alone. I don't like being yelled at." I said crying.

"Umm do you see now."

"Ok maybe I do have a problem with crying, but she has to apologize first." I replied. "But you were the one who started it." Lia

"Not another word."


"Go Lia." I said with a commanding voice.

With that she left. Man did I screw up big time with Wonyoung.


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