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Wonyoung's pov

(Later that Night)

"It's getting dark out. Let me take you back to the Palace." Said the Prince.

"Ok." I replied. On the way home he drove. We didn't talk, but listened to the radio. After a little while I could see the Palace. "Welcome back to prison. Enjoy your stay." I muttered.

"It's not that bad." The Prince said to me.

"Oh yes it is." The Prince then sighed.

"I guess I can't change your opinion on that." He said. We then pulled up to the Palace.

"Well here we are. I had a great time tonight Wonyoung." He said.

"Yeah. Me too." I replied smiling. He brought me up to the door and we both dispersed in different directions. I was making my way up the stairs, when, out of nowhere I bumped into something.

"You might want to watch where you are going sweetheart." Said a voice I believe I recognized. I looked up and there was Heeseung resting against the wall.

"Oh hey. It's nice to see you again. You creepy night guard who likes to cause me pain." I said giving him a huge smile.

"Haha. Very funny. It's nice to see you again. It's been a while." He said trying to sound mysterious.

"Yeah and if you excuse me I would like to go to sleep now." I said trying to get around him. He wouldn't let me through.

"Woah. Where is the fire? Can't we iust talk for a little while." He said picking me up and placing me in front of him.

"Gosh you just love picking me up don't you." I teased him.

"Yes. I actually do love to." He said smiling to me. "But anyway that's not what I wanted to talk to you about. I wanted to talk about your date with the Prince. It was tonight, right?" He said pausing between sentences.

"Why you jealous?" I asked grinning.

"Yes I am actually." He said looking down.

"Oh." I replied. "You shouldn't be. All we did was go bowling. There was no fancy dinner or anything romantic." I said like it was no big deal.

"Really?" He said. I nodded. "Hmm then let me take you on a real date." He grabbed my hand and started pulling me away from the staircase. I stopped him from continuing and let go of his hand.

"What are you doing?" I said.

"Taking you on a date." He replied.

"Right now. I have a curfew and I do not feel like washing dishes again."

"Your curfew is at 10:30 PM. It is only 9:00.

C'mon. I mean what else do you have to do. Talk to your sister." He said.

"Well when you put it that way..... lead the way Romeo."I said and he smiled in return. He grabbed my hand and we ran carefully down the hallway. We made sure nobody saw us. Heeseung finally stopped running. He stopped in front of a door.

"Here we are." He said opening the door. To my surprise the door led to the kitchen.

"This is your idea of a real date? Taking me to a Palace's kitchen." I said staring blankly at him.

"Yes it is. You see my mom told me the key to anyone's heart is food. So therefore I would like to cook you dessert." He told me. With that he put on a chef hat and apron. And I sat down at a stool next to the table in the kitchen. I stared at him cooking. Not creepily, but he seemed so into cooking that it was fun to watch.

"So should I be worried that you do this often. I mean taking girls to the kitchen late at night and cooking for them." I said. He then turned around and smiled.

"No I only do this when the girl is so attractive that I can't live another night without her." He said turning back around. "So yes it does happen often." He snickered.

"Jerk!" I told him. "What are you making? Not poison, right?" He laughed at that remark.

"No not poison. And I am not going to tell you what I am making. You will just have to wait and see"

"Well I can't wait too long. I have a curfew if you remember." I told him seriously.

"Jeez was cleaning dishes that bad."

"Yes! They wouldn't let me use gloves
!" I yelled. He turned back around shocked.

"No! How dare they! How dare they make the Princess touch dirty dishes with your bare hands. They must be punished!" He said jokingly.

"Oh shut up!" I said flicking his forehead. "Is it almost done?" I asked.

"Yeah. I am just putting the whip cream on. Cover your eyes I don't want you to see it till you eat it."

"Fine." I said covering my eyes. He then fed me the dessert. I uncovered my eyes.

"Oh my gosh! This is really good! But uhh what is it?" He laughed at my reaction.

"It is crème brûlée." He replied.

"Wow. Are you sure that you want to be a
guard? I mean if that doesn't end well you could always become a chef." I told him. "You would be really good at it."

"Nahhh. I like where I am now." He told me.

"That's too bad."

"Well sweetheart it's almost curfew time. Let me take you back to your room." With that he brought me back to the staircase making sure to avoid everyone. Thankfully we made it to the staircase without anyone seeing us.

"Thanks for tonight. It means a lot to me." He said and walked away. Boy, is Da-ah going to get a kick out of this.


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