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Da-ah's pov

Wonyoung got home late that night. Especially since she was only suppose to be having a lunch date. Weird. She said it went great, but I'm pretty sure she was concealing some of the details. Wonyoung was in the shower right now.

"Wonyoung! Don't you think this whole situation is weird. I mean we are both "dating" the same person." I yelled to Wonyoung. Saying it out loud it seemed even crazier.

"Eh. I mean I know girls who date 5 guys at a time, so I guess it wouldn't be the first time." She laughed. "I mean we all know those people in high school that have hooked up with at least 10 people a day." Wonyoung yelled back.

"I guess." I then went out of our room and walked around the hallways.

I never really got a chance to explore the
Palace. I mean I always wanted to it's just I never had a chance to or the time to. There were paintings of all the different rulers. It went through all the generations.

Wow one day it could be me on that wall or even my sister. Oh my gosh the day my sister rules the kingdom is the day that someone actually finds the end of the rainbow. I mean if she ruled the kingdom it would be total anarchy. She would be asleep the whole time. Not even joking.

The hallways seemed to go on forever. I just kept going down the hallways that nobody was in. In the Palace you hardly get a chance to be alone. And everyone needs to be left alone eventually.

I roamed for a while just staring at the different paintings of the different rulers. I eventually stopped at the picture of Sunghoon and the empty spot next to his painting. The spot said reserved for the Luna Queen. Wow. I never really thought of what it actually meant to be here.

I am not just here to find love, but for the whole werewolf kingdom to have a pair of rulers who could lead the whole kingdom in the right direction. I mean then what am I doing here. I can't rule. Why did I agree to being here? I can't even talk in front of people. Let alone dictate a kingdom. I was so stupid to come here.

I fell to the ground and buried my head between my knees. I sat there staring at the empty space on the wall just thinking about how much my life has changed. I could be home right now watching my sister playing her video games and my mom making me dinner in the kitchen.

But no I am here. I am with my sister in a place we have never been before. I am competing for a guy I just met and for what to never be home again. Why was I so foolish? Why did I want to be here so badly?

Ever since I have been here I have been crying more than usual and being somebody I'm not. I'm not being my loud sister's counter part. I don't make jokes. I just stay in the same rooms meeting people who eventually leave. Why can't I be like Wonyoung? She makes everybody laugh and enjoy themselves. I just make everybody worry.

Oh boy if my sister saw me right now swallowing in self pity she would be so pissed. She would be giving me one of her signature death glares. And she would say. "Da-ah get your head up and look around. Enjoy this because who else gets to say that they have stayed in a Palace with their own personal maid. Who else can say they got 5 star meals three times a day for weeks. What other human can say that they have seen what it is like to live in a pack and watch a Battle Royale? So stand up and enjoy the view. Wipe those tears away and smile because when you smile you look like a million bucks!"

I started to stand up when a shadow went across the floor "Hey there! Need some help getting up?" Said a mysterious figure bending over and showing me their hand. I couldn't make out who it was due to the lighting.

"Yeah." I responded sniffling. The person then helped me up.

"Wait your one of the girls "Yes. Yes I am." I said trying to smile.

The figure stared at my face. "What's wrong? Did somebody hurt you?" The person then offered me a tissue.

"No. No. I iust needed a second. It's just one of those days were you need a good cry." I said wiping my eyes.

"Yeah I hate those days." The person said laughing, trying to lighten the mood. "Would you like me to take you back to your room? Your quite a distance from where your rooms are suppose to be. I'm just guessing, but you seem a little lost."

"Yes I am just a little lost." I said cracking a smile. "I definitely need some help getting back though." The person then led me down the hallway. I kept trying to make out who it was, but it was getting dark out and the part of the Palace we were in doesn't have good lighting.

"So you just wandering to wander?" Said the person.

"Yeah you can say that. My sister was taking a shower and I had nothing else to do. Besides it was on my bucket list to do while I am staying in the Palace." I said.

"Oh really? What else is on that bucket list of yours?"

"Well now that I have exploring checked off all I have left is to sit on the throne for fun and pranking my sister. At home we aren't allowed to do pranks because when I was younger Wonyoung's prank on me ended up with me having a broken arm. I'll spare you the details." The person laughed and before I knew it we were in front of my bedroom door. Odd. How did he know exactly where my room was?

"Hmm it seems that you know me already. So doesn't it seem fair that I know who you are." I asked.

"Yes I guess that does seem fair." He stepped out of the darkness into the light, so that I could finally see his face.

"Well Da-ah it is nice to meet you. I am Prince Sunghoon's Beta, Heeseung."


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