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Wonyoung's pov

Together we said, "1, 2, and 3." On 3 we pulled the door open. Once the inside of the dining room was visible, both Da-ah and I broke into sobs. Inside the room was our parents. They were sitting at a table.

"Mom!" Da-ah  yelled. She ran over and gave mom a hug. They both sobbed together.

Somebody tapped on my shoulder. It was my dad. "They were always the emotional ones in our family." Dad said laughing.

"Hey dad. Long time no see." I replied.

"Hey kiddo." He pulled me in for a group hug.

Dad and I were always close. Da-ah was always closer with mom.

"Wonyoung! You are not even going to give your own mother a hug?" Said my mom crying. I walked over to her. She gave me a big hug. Like the one your crazy aunt gives you on the holidays.

"Hey mom." I said. A tear went down my cheek. Da-ah was still nonstop crying. Dad was trying to calm her down. But it wasn't working. My mom lifted up her face from the hug. "Family hug! Family hug!" She cried. My sister ran over, but my dad didn't move. "Honey." My mom said under her breath. He then quickly walked over.

"I missed you both so much." Said Da-ah.

"I missed you too sweetie." Said my mom. I brought my head up to face away from the group hug. In the room was the other two girls, that were left, and their families. They were all staring strangely at us.

"Umm guys." I said.

"What?" My mom asked.

I replied, "Look around." They all looked up to see that everybody was staring at us.

Thankfully, nobody from the Royal family was there. "Let's go sit down." I said.

We sat down at the table reserved for the
Jang's. Maids came around and gave us water. My dad cleared his throat. "So kids. How are you liking living in the Palace?" He asked.

"It's fun. I mean I don't have to do any chores so that is always a plus." I said and took a sip of my water.

"Well I am having a great time. I'm meeting so many new people and learning more about the Werewolf kingdom." Da-ah said with a huge smile. "What are you learning? I'lI I have learned is how to get use to only three meals a day. I mean that's all they allow us to have. I can't even sneak into the kitchen to get a little granola bar." I exclaimed. Well besides the onetime I went to the kitchen with Heeseung.

"I understand your pain, Wonyoung." My dad said putting his hand over his heart. "If I had known I would have snuck in pizza."

"Thanks dad. I knew I could always count on you." I replied. Breakfast was then served. My mom and dad seemed to enjoy their meal. "You kids lived in paradise with food like this." My mom said with her mouth full of food. "Yeah." I said. My dad chuckled and put his fork down. Which is strange because both him and I never stop eating when we are together. "With all seriousness. How have people in the Palace been treating you?" My dad asked. I replied, "Most are nice to me. My personal maid is amazing. She is like my family here. Well besides Da-ah and her maid."

"Yeah I feel the same way. My maid, Lia, is like my mother. She helps calm me down and get me ready for the day." Da-ah said.

"That is good." My mom said patting her mouth with a napkin. "My question for you girls is what did you both do with the Price to get you to stay here so long. No offense, but Wonyoung you aren't the best with relationships and Da-ah you don't easily talk to boys well."

"Hmm I guess it helps that we aren't home surrounded by people we know. We got put out of our comfort zones and into a place where we don't know anybody. So we have to take risks and do things we both normally wouldn't do." Da-ah said. I nodded in agreement.

My mom was about to open her mouth to speak when the doors came open. Inside the door frame was the Prince. He went up to the front of the room. "Thank you families for coming here today. It is important for me to meet you before picking my mate. I also think it was important for the girls to see their families again. I want to get to know you all so I will go around the room and chat with all of you. For Da-ah and Wonyoung please pick one parent each.

I want to have separate conversations with each twin." The prince said. He then went off to one of the girls tables. "He seemed nice." My dad said. "He is not getting my approval just yet though." He said staring down the Prince.

"What do you mean he doesn't have your approval?" My mom exclaimed. 'He is a well mannered boy who already has an income and a job for the rest of his life. I mean he is better than some of the boys da-ah has brought home. Remember that one time wonyoung ordered pizza and the pizza man was da-ah's boyfriend. But she thought he worked for a gym." My mom said.

"Or that other time when Da-ah brought home her lab partner. And he just came over to play Xbox with Wonyoung. Da-ah was third wheeling on her own date. Or that one time

"Mom!" That's enough." Da-ah said with a mad facial expression. The Prince walked over to our table.

"Oh really because I would love to hear more "Another time dear." My mother replied. "And you can call me Rima." My mom then

Mrs. Jang." Said the Prince.

"Nice to meet you Rima. Well I am going to talk with Wonyoung first. So which parent is going with which twin?" He asked.

"I'm going with Wonyoung." My dad said. Da-ah and my mom left the table.

"Great." The Prince said. "Hi Mr. Jang it is nice to meet vou."

"Likewise." My dad replied.

"So your daughter is amazing." The Prince said.

"Tell me something I don't know." My dad said. And people wonder where I get my sarcasm from.

"Umm well. Your daughter can always lighten up a conversation. She alwavs makes the best jokes and can make anybody laugh." The Prince replied staring at me.

"Really that is what you think of my daughter. As a court jester. You brought her here to be the Royal entertainment?' My dad asked. "No of course not." The Prince replied nervously. This situation is getting a lot worse. "Then what do you love about my daughter?" My dad asked staring into his eyes.

"I love Wonyoung because she never acts fake. If she is tired she doesn't hide it. If she is mad she says how she feels. I admire that about her and respect her for it. During our date she didn't let me win like any other girl would. Instead, she won big time and then gloated about it. Like it didn't matter I was the Prince. That is what I love about Wonyoung." The Prince said smiling at me. "Good answer." My dad said. "You can call me Jungkook."

"Thank you Jungkook." The Prince said relieved.

"Now if you excuse me I have to go meet
Rima now." He then got up and left.

"Wonyoung remember this, your mom is always right when it comes to boys." My dad said.

Da-ah's POV

The Prince had just finished his conversation with Wonyoung and was now coming over. "Hello again Rima." The Prince said. "Hey." My mom said trying to act like a

"I just wanted to say that da-ah is one of the sweetest girls I have ever met. Truth be told on our date I was so nervous she had to help me through it." He laughed nervously.

"Wait hold up the phone. You two went on a date and this is the first time I have ever heard about it. Ok kids tell me the details." My mom said quickly.

"It was a simple dinner date. We talked and he brought note cards." I said.

"Rookie." My mom replied. "So what else do you love about my daughter?"

"She always seems to be happy. And living in the Palace you don't see many people being positive. She is just a breath of fresh air. I know she can always make me see the good outlook on life." The Prince said smiling.

"Well what did you expect? Two Wonyoung's?" My mom said laughing. She can always ruin a good moment.


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