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Da-ah's pov

After my whole blushing incident, Wonyoung kept on making fun of me.

"Da-ah got a crush. Da-ah got a crush." She chanted.

"Stop. You are acting like a 5-year-old."

"Jeez try to live a little." Wonyoung replied.

"Attention. Attention. We will now start the battles between the girls competing to be the Luna Queen." Said a man over the loudspeaker. At that moment royal guards came over to us and yanked us all in separate ways. I completely forgot about this.

"What the heck? Who are you? Let me go!" Shouted Wonyoung in the distance. After minutes of being pulled and being to shell-shocked to scream. we made it to a room. Inside the room was Lia.

"Hi Miss da-ah. You can't fight in that outfit so please change into this." I grabbed the outfit in her hands reluctantly. It was a workout outfit or in my case a fighting outfit.

Over the announcement, I heard a battle was starting between Eunji and a girl named Yuko. The announcer gave the rundown of what was happening to the crowd during the fight. Eunji wasn't doing so well.

From what I could hear Yuko gave Eunji a hit to the head and ribs. After a few minutes of nothing, I finally heard the announcement that Eunji had won. Apparently, she gave a straight punch to Yuko's face when she was looking at the crowd and it knocked Yuko out.

"Eunji had a big comeback there." Said Lia who was sitting next to me on a couch.

"Yeah. Hey, Lia should I be scared?" I have never fought before and I am unsure how to do it.

"No. Take my advice I have watched the battles countless times and if you feel like you will lose the battle just fall to the floor and wait till they say the round is over. It is better than looking weak and yelling surrender." Lia told me.

"I understand."

Over the announcement I heard. "The next battle will be Jimin vs. Da-ah!"

"What? No! Lia help me!" Two guards came in and took me to the arena. Lia stared at me with a sad look on her face.

The arena was scary. Jimin, who stood across from me, looked as scared as I am. "The round will start in 3, 2........1" The crowd around me started screaming. Jimin charged at me. I got out of the way before she could run me over.

Jimin tried to punch me but missed. I dodged every shot. I finally gained the courage to throw a punch. Only due to the fact that she had me leaned up against the wall crying.

My punch left a scratch on her face. I punched her stomach like a baby. But I hit it hard enough that she fell over and couldn't get back up.

The announcer announced that I had won the matchup. I fell to the ground crying as the EMTs dragged Jimin away. The guards dragged me back to the room where Lia still was. Lia grabbed me in for a hug.

"I know. It will all be okay." She tried to console me.

"I hurt a person Lia. I'm the reason she's being treated by the doctors." Lia sent me another one of her sad faces. Even she doesn't know what to tell me.

Wonyoung's pov

"That's it folks da-ha has won the match." Said the announcer. Thank god my poor Da-ah. I hope she is okay. I didn't think she had it in her. I knew we Jang's knew how to fight.

"The next round will be Xinyu vs wonyoung."
The guards came in and dragged me away. "Easy on the arms boys." I told them and brushed them off. I confidently walked to the arenas. If they are gonna make me fight I'm gonna walk in like I own the place. I turned my head and I saw Dia smile at me.

"I feel bad for whoever is in the ring with you." Said one of the quards who was laughing at this situation.

From inside the arena, it looks a lot more
dangerous. Xinyu looked like she wanted to
kill me. Well won't this be fun. The crowd counted down to one and Xinyu came at me. Crap. Crap. Crap. This is not okay.

C'mon wonyoung when in doubt run in circles till your opponent gets dizzy. I saw this happen in a movie once. Xinyu kept running after me.

"Stop running and come at me like a man." She shouted at me.

"Newsflash I'm a woman you know the sex that gets her period once a month," I shouted back. She stopped running and collapsed exhausted. I then pushed her onto her back and laid on top of her.

I held her down long enough that I won the match. I took a victory jump after I won. Like Mario does after he finishes a level. The guards tried to pull me away.

"No boys. A victor got to walk out standing." I said walking away from them to the room where Dia was. She gave me a high five.

The other rounds took an hour altogether. Finally, they were done and a new voice was on the speaker. It was the Prince's.

"Thank you girls for fighting. This was your strength test. After reviewing all the battles the girls leaving us are Lena, Chaeryeong,Ryujin, Jiwon, and Yunjin. Thank you girls and to the final 10 I will see you later."

No Yunjin. Awe I'm going to miss that girl. I can't believe she is leaving. She is one of the saving graces here.


I will be writing the story from the perspective of each twin.


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