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Da-ah's pov

"Now girls today you will help me with doing arts and crafts. Please go find a little kid to pair up with." The Luna Queen told us. Wonyoung ran off to this little girl she was helping out earlier. Hmm who do I pick.

I walked around the tables and I found a boy sitting alone sad. He looked confused at how to do the arts and crafts. Wait he was the boy who just had a fight with Wonyoung.

"Hey little fellow. Need some help?" I asked. He looked up with me.

"No leave me alone you old hag. Why do you keep coming up to me?" He yelled at me. He must have me confused for Wonyoung.

"No that was my sister you were yelling at." I told him. "You see." I then pointed to Wonyoung then back at me.

"Oh then yeah I could use some help." I sat down next to him and helped him.

"So what is your name?"

"Riki. What about you?"

"Da-ah. How old are you Riki?"

"Four." He said holding four fingers up with a proud look on his face. The craft took a half an hour.

"Well do you like it?" I asked while showing him the finish product.

"No." He replied. Then snatched the craft and ran away with it.

"That little monster." I whispered.

"Girls everyone is done I see. Good the Prince now has an announcement to make." Said the Luna Queen.

"Yes I do. Tonight I will start my private dates with everyone. So I can get to know you all better. Tonight I will start with Da-ah. I'll let you all be informed when your dates are separately." The Prince said. He smiled at me then left the daycare.

OMG. OMG. OMG. I have a date with the Prince. What do I say? What do I do?

"Let's go Da-ah I have to get you ready for tonight." Said Lia. She then brought me back to my room. "I think you should wear this for tonight." Showing me the outfit. Lia did my hair and makeup.

"Lia, what am I suppose to say to him?" I asked worried.

"It's just a normal first date. Act like it's any other date and everything will go fine." She said to me reassuringly. I then gave her a hug and went to go meet up with the Prince. The Prince was waiting outside in a car. He smiled when he saw me. He got out and opened the passenger door for me.

"Hi Da-ah."

"Hey." I said shyly. "So where are we going?"

"To a restaurant in downtown." He said and we sat in silence for the rest of the ride. It took 15 minutes to get there. "Here we are." He said and took my hand. He brought us into the restaurant. "Table for two." He said telling the hostess. The hostess then brought us to our table. "Thank you." he said. "How are you Da-ah?" He asked nervous.

"I'm good." I said. We sat in awkward silence after that.

"So do you come here often?" He said looking down.

"No. This is my first time coming." I said. Of
course I haven't been here before. This restaurant is in the werewolf kingdom. "What do you recommend me to get?" I asked.

"Ummm. I don't know. The chicken." He said

"Ok." I said. What is wrong with him?

"How's your food?" He asked looking down.

"Well we haven't ordered anything yet." I said questioningly.

"Oh yeah. You are right." He said sweating.

"What are you ordering?" He said looking down.

"The chicken like you said." Why does he keep looking down. Is there something on my face? Am I too ugly for him to look at my face?

"Oh yeah. That's good I would recommend that." He said touching his neck.

"You already said that. Is there something wrong?"l asked. He nodded no. The waiter then came over and asked for our order. I ordered the chicken and he ordered the veal. He looked nervous and couldn't make eye contact with me.

"Did I do something?" I asked.

"No I just....I am going to go to the bathroom." He said and got up and left. Now what does he keep looking down at? I got up and went over to his seat. There was a piece of paper on his chair. Oh my gosh. He has an index card full of questions to ask me. And I thought I was the one who was nervous. I saw him coming back from the bathroom. I quickly took the index card and walked back over to my chair.

"Thanks for waiting." He said without making eye contact. He started to panic when he noticed that his index card wasn't there. He looked evrywhere.

"You okay?" I asked. I am enjoying this way to much. He didn't answer me. He was still looking and finally gave up. The waiter brought over our entrées.

"Do you have any questions for me?" | asked.

"I uhhh. Yeah ummm. No." He said.

"Really? What is this then?" I said showing him the index card.

"Oh crap you saw that." He said.

"Yeah. It's okay to be nervous. I know I am." I said handing him the index card.

"I just didn't want to seem like a little boy who didn't know what to say to a girl. It's my first date you know." I almost choked on my water when I heard that.

"Really?" I asked not believing a word of it.

"Yeah being a Prince you don't have much time to date."

'Oh then how do you think your first date is going?" I asked.

"Hopefully fine." He said nervously.

"Yeah it is, but why don't you ditch the index card and I will ask the questions."

"Ok." He said smiling.

"What's your favorite sport to play?"

"Ice skating. What about you?"

"basketball." I said smiling. The rest of the night went off without a hitch.

Who wants to be the Luna Queen? ( Jangkku ff)  Where stories live. Discover now