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Wonyoung's POV

Heeseung and I had just started to dance. He seemed so comfortable dancing, as if he had been to these Galas all his life.

"So tell me, how is a guard able to go to such a Royal Gala as this one?" I asked him suspiciously. He looked very nervous when I asked him this.

"Hmm," Heeseung paused. "That will have to remain a secret," he said.

"Well, I guess we all have our secrets," I replied.

"Oh yeah? Then tell me, what is yours?" Heeseung asked me while spinning me.

"I can't," I said like a little kid. "It's a secret for a reason."

"Fine. Don't tell me," he said, looking a little hurt that I wouldn't tell him.

"How about this? When you tell me your secret, I will tell you mine."

"Oh, that will be the day," he said as we danced across the floor. For the rest of the Gala, I sat around with my sister, trying all different types of food.

Da-ah's POV

The Gala was uneventful, well, besides my sister causing mayhem during the first dance. The Prince danced with me about halfway through. It was a fast song, so thankfully I didn't have to count my steps. Right now, Wonyoung and I are sitting along the back wall.

"Can we go back to our room now?" Wonyoung whined. It was the point in the night where girls take off their shoes because their feet hurt too much.

"I think so. People seem to be leaving," I said, pointing towards the door.

"Then let's go!" Wonyoung said. We both stood up and headed towards the door. We were about to pass through the doorframe when the guards standing next to the door blocked the exit.

"You two must stay," said one of the guards.

"Umm, why?" said Wonyoung, annoyed.

"The King said so."

"Ugh, fine," Wonyoung replied. Wow, she is beyond tired right now. When she gets tired, she becomes really sassy. We walked away from the door. The only people left at the Gala were the girls and the Royals. The King then stood up and raised his hand to get the whole room's attention.

"Thank you, girls, for attending," the King announced. "As the Queen told you yesterday, the Gala was another test on who will be going home. We are cutting you down from 7 to 4. The girls going home are Kang Yeseo, Na Goeun, and Kang Lena. Girls, please let the guards show you out.

The rest of you girls are now in the final four. There will be a surprise for you in the morning." The three girls who got sent home walked away crying. Thank God Jiyoon's partner in crime, Goeun, is gone. The King and Queen then left the Gala.

I felt somebody tap on my shoulder. It was Wonyoung. Our maids began to show us the way out.

"There was a girl named Lena?" she asked, shocked.

"Yes! We just never talked to her because we didn't speak the same language," I said as if it was obvious.

"Oh," Wonyoung replied. We both walked back to our room in silence. The Gala had drained all of our energy. We reached our rooms.

"Goodnight, Wonyoung!" I yelled.

"Goodnight, Da-ah!" Wonyoung replied.

Wonyoung's POV

**(The Next Day)**

Today was the first day that Dia did not have to wake me up since I have been staying in the Palace. I probably woke up easily because I wanted to figure out what the surprise is. Nevertheless, I went and made myself a cup of coffee.

Da-ah walked in wearing a robe while my coffee was brewing. She looked through the fridge and took out some orange juice. When Da-ah spotted me in the kitchen, her face looked like she had just seen a ghost.

"No way! I must be imagining things! There is no possible way my sister could be up and moving before I am," Da-ah said, yawning. She then continued to poke me to make sure it was really me.

"Can you cut it out?" I said, smacking her hands away. "Why wouldn't it be me?" I said, annoyed. This is what happens when I haven't had my coffee yet. I become a dragon.

"Gosh, calm down. Go back to bed if you are going to behave like that," she said and sipped her orange juice.

"So, what do you think the surprise will be?" I asked Da-ah.

"Probably something like a Talk Show appearance because we are in the final four," Da-ah replied.

"If that happens, I would probably hit my head on the wall. Then with a bump on my head, go do the Talk Show with a creepy smile. Just to make sure I never have to do it again," I said while adding crème to my coffee.

"You might want to start sipping your coffee because you are getting scary," Da-ah said, looking down. I stuck my tongue out at her. "And you are getting childish," she said, smiling.

"Oh well, I just want to see what the surprise is already!" I whined while drinking my coffee.

"Aww, the baby whined and had her bottle," Da-ah said, smiling. She came up to me and pinched my cheeks.

"Stop it," I said, inching away from her hands. "I just want to get this day started already." As on cue, our maids walked in. Lia went up to Da-ah and Dia came up to me.

"Well, at least I don't have to wake you up today," Dia said under her breath.

"So, what's the agenda for today?" I asked.

"First, you need to get ready. Today you don't have to wear a fancy outfit. So wear this." She handed me an outfit. I then went to the bathroom and got changed. We then did our makeup and hair routine that we always do. This time she also handed me a purse.

"So, do you know what the surprise is?" I asked Dia.

"Yes," she whispered.

"So, what is it?" I asked, curious.

"I think you would prefer to wait and see," she replied firmly.


"C'mon, go meet up with your sister and go to the dining room. You will figure out what the surprise is there," Dia said, shooing me away. I started to walk over to where Da-ah was, but she met me halfway.

"Let's go," Da-ah said. I nodded.

As we left the room, Dia called out to me. "Wonyoung! I put something special in your purse in case you need it!"

"Okay!" I yelled back. Da-ah and I continued our walk to the dining room.

"What did Dia put in the purse?" Da-ah asked while we were walking.

"I don't know. Let me look," I replied. I opened the purse and inside was a bundle of tissues. I looked up and said, "Tissues."

"Wonder why we will need those," Da-ah said. We then arrived at the dining room doors. "Want to open it at the same time?" Da-ah asked.

"Sure. On the count of three."

Together we said, "1, 2, 3." On three, we pulled the door open. Once the inside of the dining room was visible, both Da-ah and I broke into sobs. A tear fell from my eye. Thank you, Dia! Those tissues are a lifesaver.


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